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The Climate Crisis’s Biggest Psychological Challenge
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The Climate Crisis’s Biggest Psychological Challenge

NASA / Unsplash


Source: NASA/Unsplash

The climate crisis lives in our relationships…This is the crisis of disconnection. This is the crisis causing dehumanization. This is the crisis of the collapse of our interconnectedness, our interbeing…” — Skeena Rathor (interview in Radio Ecoshock: Rebel Against the Crash, November 24, 2021)

Only sustained global action can address the climate crisis. CooperationCoordinating. If one group of countries reduces carbon emissions by a certain amount, while another group of countries increases emissions by the same amount, we’re getting nowhere. This problem can only be solved if humanity works together. To do this, we must accept the idea that we are all interconnected and that no one is an island. That the behavior and well being of people in one nation will have an effect on the well-beings of people on the other side. We don’t need to look any further than the COVID-19For clear evidence, see pandemic.

The most daunting psychological obstacle to overcome when trying to address these global crises is the ability to feel one global community. While interconnectedness is the reality for the 21st century world, many people forget about it. Rather than valuing diversity and finding our common humanity, there’s an increasing tendency to view our differences—along national, political, racial, ethnic, or religious lines—as reasons for suspicion and hostility. Social media disinformation amplifies hatred, divisiveness, and violence. FearEach other. The idea of working together as one human race can seem like a utopia. We have to get back to the bedrock reality that, even if we don’t always like everything about each other (what group of people ever does?We are all interconnected with the biosphere and each other. The best way to take good care of yourself is to take good care of the natural world and each other.

It’s one thing to know on a superficial, intellectual level that we are interconnected, but it’s another to really feel it in our bones and to act that way. Look at how wealthy countries react to countries with developing economies in times of global crisis. Leaders from wealthy countries should be aware that COVID-19 variations will continue to emerge and spread worldwide until there is good access to vaccines. Yet clearly wealthy countries haven’t deeply absorbed that truth, as there continue to be huge inequities in access to vaccines when it doesn’t need to be that way. Wealthy countries are aware that they are the main contributors to carbon emissions. They understand that the well-being and security of humanity is dependent on them. CuttingThey have also contributed to large carbon emissions and provided financial assistance to developing countries to use renewable energy sources. But they haven’t adequately followed through on PromisionsYou can do it.

As the climate crisis continues to exacerbate, our ability to connect with and work together in a global community will be further challenged. There will be a self-reinforcing feedback between people who have difficulty cooperating with one another, on the other hand. Climate ChangeOn the other hand. Because we haven’t been able to collaborate effectively to reduce carbon emissions, the climate situation It will get worse. This will result in strains on global economies and scarcity food, water, habitable and other essential resources. These factors have already led to mass migrations. As economic distress and CompetitionNationalism is the best way to increase food, water, land, and habitable soil. racismAs history and recent events have shown, violence, conflict, and brutality all increase. Economic distress and resource scarcity also can lead to the rise of authoritarian leaders, who fan the flames of divisiveness, moving us still further away from constructive coordination of efforts, as we’re already starting to see around the world.

It is therefore a major challenge to foster a sense that we are all connected as a global society. This must be our highest priority.

You might wonder if there is anything we as individuals can do about this, or whether it’s all in the hands of more powerful people and institutions. Luckily, we don’t have to wait for governments or companies to take sufficient action. They won’t be able to do enough without the backing of the majority. It’s very important and valuable for us, as individuals, to work on our own mindset, and begin to work together with others. As Greta Thunberg wrote, “When enough people come together, then change will come and we can achieve almost anything. So instead of looking for hope—start creating it.” But to come together in that way and learn to collaborate, we in the Western world—who have been culturally conditioned to value individualism, hierarchy, and competitive Consumption—will have to think outside of those boxes.

How can we change our mindset and stop feeling alone, competitive, and alienated? This is a huge project. Here are some ideas to get you started.

1. You can increase your natural ability to connect by doing exercises.

We are born with the natural ability to connect and the natural tendency to connect with our closest friends. In our book, we discuss our inherent ability to connect and interpersonal attunement. Missing each Other. We must tap into our natural abilities and develop them. There are exercises that will help you spread that caring feeling beyond your own circle. Take a look at our prior PostThis article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to achieve this. As we develop this in ourselves, then we don’t want others to suffer, just as we don’t want to suffer ourselves, because we know we’ll either suffer or thrive together.

2. Get involved in a group addressing the climate crisis.

There are many groups working to address climate change in a variety of ways. These range from support groups to advocacy groups to new businesses that focus on climate solutions. Find one that interests you and get involved. Even though the issues may be serious, it can be fun and exciting to work with others who are interested in the same things. Start Here.

3. Be strong against the naysayers and seek inspiration from wise people.

There are many naysayers out there who will denigrate efforts to work together and who will promote nationalism and increase divisions among groups. Keep your cool. Get inspired by all kinds of WisePeople, from Spiritual indigenous leadersScientists, activists, and scientists have all written and spoken passionately about the need to understand our connection to one another, to future generations, as well as to nature. See what else is out there Martin Luther KingThich Nhat Hanh, Vanessa Nakate Joanna MacyAlbert Einstein and, both wrote on the topic.

See Also

For a taste of inspiration, here’s a quote from Joanna Macy that we want to leave you with:

It is no longer acceptable to think only about my country or my village. To overcome the problems that we face, we need to have what I call a sense universal responsibility that is rooted in love for our human brothers-and-sisters. The survival of humanity depends on people caring about the well-being of the entire human race, not just their own nation or community. Our current situation demands that we act and think clearly. While narrow-mindedness and self-centeredness may have worked well in the past, they will not work today. Combining the following can help us overcome such attitudes: EducationTraining. –Joanna Macy, Coming Back to Life: The Updated Guide to the Work that Reconnects

This post is a continuation of our last two posts, “Why Aren’t We Trying Harder to Save the World?” and “Climate Crisis: Psychological Hurdles.”

Note from the authorsEdward Brodkin, Ashley Pallathra, and Edward Brodkin are sharing their views here for educational purposes and informational only. These views do not replace individual psychological treatment. psychiatricYou may receive medical care from a physician who is familiar with your particular circumstances.


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