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The danger of Endocrine Disruptors Chems in the Environment
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The danger of Endocrine Disruptors Chems in the Environment

1995 was the World Health Organisation’s declaration that unintentional poisonings were responsible for the deaths of an estimated 355 000 people worldwide each year.

Two-thirds (or more) of these deaths occur in developing countries. Poisonings are strongly associated with toxic chemical exposure and inappropriate use.

Many industries, pulp and paper plants and mining can emit toxic chemicals directly into the soil, water, and atmosphere.

It is well-known that intentional poisonings can be used in many cycles. They use toxic chemicals, radioactive metals and other heavy metals like cesium, thallium vanadium arsenic and lead for various types of intentional actions.

You can find extensive details of heavy metals, their effects on the body, and sources at

It is important that you note that these poisons have the potential to kill by attacking organ systems such as kidney, heart and brain.

Some of these poisons can be used quickly in certain countries, similar to one used in an airport to kill a relation of a popular head.

As someone who has worked in reproductive biology and medicine for more than four decades, I can confirm that toxins can cause infertility as well as erectile dysfunction. Today, people can also experience arthritis, neuromuscular dysfunction, abnormal gaits and disorders of the cerebral midbrain and cerebral. These conditions can affect general well-being.

Alarmingly, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has predicted that by 2020 nearly one-third the world’s chemical output will be produced in non-OECD nations. The global output will be 85% greater than 1995.

The potential for increased health and environmental risk from the shift of chemical production to developing nations could be a result. We are now in 2021, and we will be entering 2022. We know that the situation has worsened than expected for many reasons.

Below is a WHO table about environmental toxins.

I am a member of the FIGO Committee on Climate Change and Toxic Environmental Exposures. I am a member of the FIGO Committee on Climate Change and Toxic Environmental Exposures and want to stress that the above are a clear and immediate danger to general health, fertility, and a healthy life.

Rudyard Kipling said ignorance is the worst sin. Last week, I wrote an updated article about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I mentioned the fact that Endocrine-disrupting chemical or endocrine disruptionors are exogenous substances and mixtures that alter the function(s) the endocrine systems and cause adverse effects on an intact organism, its progeny, or (sub)populations.

These toxins can be referred to as EDCs or AGEs. Advanced glycation product (AGEs) are a hot environmental topic that has raised many questions and requires urgent answers.

The West’s lifestyle and diet can be a major environmental source of toxicants that could play a role in the pathogenesis PCOS. Numerous scientific studies have supported their harmful role in the pathophysiology, and potentially their negative epigenetic effect.

Permit me to explain the factors known as endocrine disruptionors, which are found in various products in our environment and can cause damage to the reproductive organs. They can cause infertility. This has prompted me to reexamine the current danger in our environment.

Infertility is a modern epidemic that affects more couples than ever before. One out of six couples in developed countries have difficulty getting pregnant, while one in six in developing countries has it worse.

It is now well-known that a woman’s problem can also affect men. It is now clear that natural treatment for infertility involves addressing all systems of the body, not just the reproductive system.

Many couples who can’t get pregnant are affected by a combination sub-clinical conditions.

These conditions cant cause infertility on their own, but — in combination — they can substantially reduce a couples probability of conceiving. Gluten intolerance, for example, cannot cause infertility. However, the gut inflammation that results can reduce nutrient absorption and lead you to deficiencies in nutrients needed for healthy sperm, egg and hormone production.

Exposure to heavy metals and radiation can cause DNA damage. Recent research in nutrigenomic (a study on the effects of nutrients upon gene expression) has shown that what we eat can have an impact on our gene structure and expression.

…To be continued

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