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The EPA held its first of two public meetings recently to gather feedback.
Input on environmental justice considerations in relation to the
Development of the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
(PFAS), national primary drinking water regulations (NPDWR) under The
Safe Drinking Water Act. Public meetings are for the following purposes:
EPA will share information and provide opportunities for communities
Please contact us to provide feedback on the development of the PFAS NPDWR.
The regulation ensures fair treatment of all persons regardless of their race or gender.
Race, color, national origin, and income.
The March 2, 2022 meeting was held virtually.
Representatives of environmental groups and community activists
EPA was urged to develop multiple regulations for different areas.
To regulate PFAS in the environment, there should be environmental statutes. Commentators supported the assertion.
The proposed PFAS drinking-water standards will not have any impact on the
It will not address the underlying cause of PFAS nor issues related to it.
Disposal of water treatment materials.
Commentators also urged EPA’s rapid development efforts to be more effective.
Clean Water Act effluent limitation guidelines for PFAS (ELGs).
EPA has sufficient data at present to develop and recommend ELGs.
The organic chemicals, plastics, and synthetic fibers industries.
It intends to develop the metal finishing and electroplating industries.
To be issued in mid-2023 or mid-2024, respectively.
Many commenters pointed out that PFAS dischargers are concentrated in
Environment justice communities. EPA stated that it is currently
Studying the possibility of disproportionate effects from PFAS Air
Pollution on environmental justice communities One regulatory
The EPA may consider listing certain PFAS compounds.
Air pollutants that pose a danger to health.
Lastly, a number of commenters urged EPA regulators to regulate PFAS.
Instead of as small groups or individual compounds, class is preferred.
Individuals urged EPA for class-based regulation to be avoided
Spending too much time developing regulations
PFAS compounds are found in smaller groups. EPA has stated that it is currently
Additional PFAS compounds are being evaluated and we will consider regulating.
If possible, use chemicals in larger groups.
A second public meeting is scheduled for April 5, 2022.
Participants must registerHereNot later than April 4.
2022. Individuals may sign up to make short oral remarks as part of the group
registering them. The EPA expects to issue a final regulation.
In fall 2023, after taking into account all public comments
Notice of Public Hearing: Environmental
Justice Considerations for the Development and Implementation of the Proposed per-
National Primary Drinking Water – PolyfluoroalkylSubstances (PFAS).
Regulation (NPDWR)., 87 Fed. Reg. 27
(February 9, 2022)
This article is meant to be a guide.
guide to the subject matter It is a good idea to seek specialist advice
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Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
The Securities and Exchange Commission has scheduled a meeting for February 21, 2022 to vote on the long-awaited proposed rules on climate change disclosure.
Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP
New federal and California regulations were created in 2021 to protect the public health and environment from the effects of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFAS) on the environment.