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The kinetic installation “weathering with Us” explores stories of healing in the midst of climate crisis.
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The kinetic installation “weathering with Us” explores stories of healing in the midst of climate crisis.

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A kinetic installation inspires positive action for climate change


Conversations around Climate changeOften, they are very pessimistic. New scientific data leads to despair and defeatism. what has been less prioritized is how the information relates to us — a report on the communication of the climate crisis cites that ‘we have gotten too lost in the data, the fear, and the need to tell people how bad things are’.This approach of data dumping can be a hindrance to meaningful citizen participation, especially with eco-anxiety rising.


‘weathering with us’ by isabella ong and tan wen jun explores narratives of healing and recovery in the climate conversation. The project is a data visualization exercise. It takes the form a Sand-plotting installationWe are asked to consider how climate information can effectively be communicated to encourage positive action and increase visibility to carbon mitigation technology.

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Weathering with Us Installation
All images courtesy khoo Guo Jie, isabella Oong



For symbolism of recovery, make mandalas that look like mandalas.


in ‘weathering with us installation’ by isabella ong (find more Here) and tan wen jun, a mechanical beam sits atop a bed of sand, inscribing patterns into the sand as it rotates. the sand is ground olivine, a green volcanic mineral that is found abundantly in the earth’s subsurface. When seawater meets olivine, it causes a reaction that pulls carbon dioxide from the air. this process —mineral weathering—constitutes one of the earth’s natural mechanisms to regulate its carbon level.


Patterns are created using open-sourced climate datasets (carbon emission, meteorological data and energy use), which are then converted into visualizations to show collective action. The rotating installation creates mandalas-like patterns in sand, as seen from above. The mandala is an eastern spiritual symbol, used in meditation to aid with healing. The mandala is a symbol of healing and restoration. This important aspect of climate action is often overlooked.

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The rotating arm is controlled by a 3D printed pulley system and houses 10 wooden Scribes, each attached via a servomotor.



The installation is intended to be used as a round table for meaningful conversation between visitors. It is hoped that the installation will encourage conversations about climate change that focus on healing and hope. ‘weathering with us’ bridges the knowledge gap between climate science and citizen awareness, highlighting this important research to a broader audience.

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Project vesta’s ambitions and efforts inspired this project. They are a non-profit that works to advance the olivine science for coastal enhanced weathering. CEW is a carbon capture technology that helps to mitigate climate change. the fabrication of the installation was done in collaboration with roger&sons, a local studio of ethical carpenters who utilizes abandoned logs that have been salvaged from trees felled for urban development in singapore. The intention was to use as many sustainably sourced materials possible and to highlight the beauty and uniqueness of local materials.


kinetic installation 'weathering with us' explores narratives of healing amid climate crisis
Close-up of scribes


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Over collage of eco-anxiety, climate data are used to create scribe patterns


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