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The Urgency and Opportunities for Developing Countries”
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The Urgency and Opportunities for Developing Countries”



Although trade can exacerbate climate change, it can also be part of the solution since it has the potential to increase mitigation and adaptation. The Trade and Climate Change Nexus: The Urgency and Opportunities for Developing Countries explores the different ways in which trade and climate change intersect. Trade is a contributor to global warming by generating greenhouse gases. It also has an impact on climate change due to its changing comparative advantages. The report also dispels many myths regarding trade and climate. The report focuses on climate change and its adaptations in developing countries. It also examines how trade opportunities for the future will be affected by changing climate and policy responses. The report discusses trade as a means of providing goods and services that can drive adaptation and mitigation. It also discusses the immense challenges that climate change poses for developing countries. But, it also identifies new opportunities to promote diversification of trade in the transition towards a low-carbon future. Effective economic incentives can be provided by appropriate trade and environmental policies to achieve both sustainable growth as well as poverty reduction.

Paul Brenton (Lead Economist, Trade and Regional Integration Unit) and Vicky Chemutai (“Young Professional, Trade and Regional Integration Unit”) will discuss the main points of this report at this seminar.   This seminar will take place in English (no translation into Japanese).


08:09-9:00am Friday, December 10, 2021 (Japan Standard Time).

URL for livestreaming

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Paul Brenton
Lead Economist, Trade and Regional Integration Unit, World Bank

Paul Brenton serves as the Lead Economist for the Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment Global Practice. He is primarily involved in operational and analytical work on trade and regional cooperation. He is currently focusing on issues such small-scale cross border trade in Africa, climate change trade and regional integration for the Horn of Africa.


Vicky Chemutai
World Bank, Young Professional, Trade and Regional Integration Unit, World Bank

Vicky Chemutai is a current ET Consultant at the Trade and Regional Integration Unit (MTI). Her main focus is on international trade dynamics and their interactions with global issues, including climate and gender concerns.  Her passion lies in finding the right solution to global injustices, particularly those that have adverse consequences for the marginalized in the least developed countries. This includes increasing trade and investment opportunities and fostering inclusion and sustainability. Her development experience includes the following: i) Public sector in a few Ugandan government agencies, i.e. I) in the public sector (in a couple of government agencies in Uganda, i.e., health and social security); ii] in the private sector (as a founder of several small-scale ventures); and iii). The international development sector which focuses on trade policy formulation and implementation at both the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the World Bank Group. Before joining the WBG she was a jr. trade policy analyst in the Accessions Division (WTO) and an adjunct lecturer at IUG in the fields statistics and trade. She has co-authored publications in the area of trade policy and its impacts on countries’ development. She holds a Master’s degree in International Trade Policy and Trade Law (Sweden); an Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in International Trade Policy and Trade Law (Tanzania); and a BSc in Quantitative Economic from Makerere University, Uganda.

Material for presentations

To be posted on this website.


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