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These are the top SocialStories this week, ranging from cycling 20,000km to discussing infrastructure development in order to combat climate change.
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These are the top SocialStories this week, ranging from cycling 20,000km to discussing infrastructure development in order to combat climate change.


SocialStory met Ankit Arora, a former journalist, to discuss his experiences cycling across the country and the diverse cultures he encountered on his journeys.

WhiteHat Jr, an edtech startup, spoke about WhiteHeart, its latest initiative that was launched during the pandemic in order to help children who are less fortunate. WhiteHat Jr creates the curriculum with the help of its teacher network and adapts it to the needs of each NGO partner.

These and other details are part of this week’s SocialStory wrap.

This journalist quit his job to cycle 20,000 km without money across India; built a self-sustainable farm

Cycling is not only an environmentally-friendly way to travel but is also good for health.

For 32-years-old Ankit AroraCycling has become a way to travel India and see the lives of other communities. A former journalist, Ankit used to pursue cycling for fitness purposes and participated in endurance events like such as long-distance cycling – covering 200 km in 13 hours, and cycling on routes like Jaipur-Jaisalmer, Jaipur-Nainital, and India Gate (Delhi) – Wagah Border.

He also entered The Limca Book Of Records and India Book of Records for covering the Golden Triangle – a tourist circuit connecting Delhi, Agra Jaipur – in 69 hours without a break.

He decided to cycle through India in 2017 and planned to return to his normal life in a few months. He did not know that the journey he embarked upon would change his life forever. August 27, 2017 would lead him to discover different cultures across the length and breadth of the country, and enlighten him with the knowledge people possessed in small villages and tribal communities.

How India can use geospatial intelligence for infrastructure development to fight climate change

At the recent COP26 summit in Glasgow, India promised to reach Net Zero by 2070 — essentially balancing the total carbon dioxide emissions with its elimination from the environment — called carbon neutrality.

India is however the fourth-largest global emitter of carbon dioxide, following China, the US and the EU. These two countries have made a commitment to Net Zero by 2050. 

Despite all the progress made towards sustainability in India, India seems to be behind the curve when it comes to mass-scale solutions.

See Also

How edtech startup WhiteHat Jr is offering customised content for underprivileged children through its ‘WhiteHeart’ initiative

Not only in India, but all over the globe, the pandemic has led to a learning gap. Online classes are becoming more difficult for children, but the situation is worse for those who are less fortunate. Many students cannot afford smartphones and can’t afford to take online classes.

Edtech startup was created to assist the underprivileged. WhiteHat Jr, which has over 11,000 teachers, was launched WhiteHeart This was earlier in the year.

The initiative is designed to give back to society through live learning sessions delivered to youth from the most underprivileged areas.

Meet these 5 organisations extending a helping hand to the differently-abled

In a time where inclusive development is at forefront of efforts to improve lives of the marginalised, many individuals, organizations, and government agencies are taking initiative to make a positive difference for the differently abled.

On International Day of Persons with Disabilities, a United Nations-sanctioned day that is celebrated internationally on 3rd December, SocialStory lists five organisations that are going out of their way to improve the lives of the disabled.


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