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Three Factors to Consider in Optimizing a Multicloud Environment.
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Three Factors to Consider in Optimizing a Multicloud Environment.

Cloud hyperscalers are becoming an integral part of enterprise IT. More government agencies are adopting multicloud approaches by integrating multiple cloud environments to support their IT operations.

Agencies can choose vendors they know, but there could be strategic reasons why a specific cloud environment might be the right fit. A cloud vendor might have special partnerships that make it an obvious choice to handle certain workloads.

Whatever factors may lead to a multicloud approach in an organization, IT and business leaders must ensure that their environments are in the best possible shape. Here are some areas you should monitor:

1. Track the cost of multicloud environments

Too many leaders assumed the cloud would be more affordable than on-premises environments. Often, they just lifted and moved their resources, but failed to plan their cloud workloads. Multicloud can lead to the same problem: Costs can spiral out of control.

Cloud vendors provide tools that can be used to monitor and manage the costs of organizations. Organizations can benefit by value-added partnersYou can create predictive cost models that alert stakeholders about potential cost increases.

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2. Cloud Providers can provide fast access to data

Agency with multicloud environments must ensure that workloads are managed properly to ensure they are always available and offer high performance. If a program is dependent on data from different clouds, network latency could cause lags that can negatively affect the user experience.

Organizations can also benefit from a trusted partner. A managed services model is where a partner manages the day-today management of cloud-based service and technical support. This allows internal IT staff to concentrate on strategic initiatives.

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3. For enhanced security, restrict user access

If agencies don’t have guidelines for who and how they can access resources, security problems can quickly arise in multicloud environments. Organizations should adhere to the principle of least privilege. This means that users are only allowed to access the data and systems they need to perform their jobs. This does not mean that organizations shouldn’t remove roadblocks that hamper employees’ productivity. It does not mean that sensitive or highly regulated data should be made inaccessible to anyone who doesn’t need it.

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