NEWCASTLE upon TYNE, England —Scientists warn that tumble dryers are just as dangerous as washing machines for releasing plastic. According to a recent study dryers release microfibers into the atmosphere at similar levels to those that go down drains during the same load.
The results are based on over 1,200 garments tested under typical conditions.
“By measuring microfibers released during the whole laundering process we found microfibre loss through domestic drying is a huge concern,” says lead author Dr. Kelly Sheridan, of Northumbria University in England, per South West News Service. “Ours is the first study that has simultaneously quantified microfibers released from clothing during washing alongside that released when the clothing is then tumble dried.”
These microfibers are ingested by wildlife as they float in air, settle on land, and then get washed into rivers. These microfibers eventually end up on our dinner plates, as they enter the food chain. They also absorb harmful chemicals which leach into the bodies of animals and people who breathe them in.
Polyester and other artificial fibres don’t break down and can remain in the environment for a long time. The international team recommended that manufacturers install filters that reduce the amount of air that escapes. The air used for tumble drying is passed through a tube or duct and is vented outside. There are thousands of tons of tumble drying air. air pollutionYou can reduce the number of particles by using fabric conditioners, tumble dry sheets, and fewer pores in lint filters.

The washing of laundry can produce up to a million tonnes of microfibers each year, which could pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems. The health of humans is also at risk from tiny fragments of clothing that are blown out by tumble dryers’ vents. They have been found in beer, fish and even the placentas unborn babies. According to lab experiments, they can cause damage to cells.
The research provides convincing reasons to hang-dry clothes and use energy-intensive dryers sparingly — if ever.
“We measured the volume of microfibers released during washing, as well as those captured in lint filters when tumble dried,” says Sheridan. Our study showed that domestic dryers release the same amount of microfibers to the air as what we see in our water systems after a standard washing cycle. While many microfibers can be captured in lint filters during drying, if the pore size is too large, a significant amount will be released into the air, comparable to the amount released down the drain in washing.”
Tests on 10 cotton and 10 polyester T-shirts showed that domestic dryers produce more microfibers than washing. Although many are captured in filters and released into the atmosphere, the amount that gets into the atmosphere is similar to that which gets into rivers from washing.
“It’s critical to our understanding of the impact of microfibers on human health and The environmentAll possible routes for microfiber release, including air are being evaluated. Airborne fibers are just as concerning as those present in wastewater,” adds Sheridan.
Synthetic materials such as polyester are the worst because they biodegrade slower than cotton and wool.
“The recent rises in energy costs have led us all to think carefully about the financial impact of using dryers, but few are aware of their impact on particulate air pollution,” says co-author Dr. Neil Lant, of Procter and Gamble, in a statement. “These latest findings are a call to action for the appliance industry to improve the efficiency of fiber filtration systems in vented dryers and drive the conversion to condenser dryers with no airborne fiber release, especially super energy-efficient heat pump dryers. Our findings concern vented tumble drying. We understand that people may choose to dry their clothes differently in different parts and households. Further research would be needed to assess the impacts of other drying methods.”
Northumbria experts have been working with the U.S. consumer giant for more than five years. Every cycle of washing clothes results in the loss of approximately 700,000.
“We’re very pleased with the results from this latest study with Northumbria University, showing how products like liquid fabric softener or dryer sheets can reduce airborne fiber pollution from dryers,” adds Jerry Porter, vice president of research and development at P&G. “This and the other findings from the research will help us partner with the textile and appliance industries to identify long-term solutions to this complex problem.”
The journal published the study. PLOS One.
This report was written by Mark Waghorn of South West News Service.