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Twitter bans’misleading climate change ads
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Twitter bans’misleading climate change ads


Twitter stated that they believe that climate denialism should not be monetized on Twitter and that misrepresentative ads should not detract from important conversations regarding the climate crisis. blog post.

Twitter did not announce whether it would ban or delete accounts of users who post misinformation about climate change.

Twitter’s blog post cited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Recent report “Immediate and deep emission reductions are needed to combat the effects global warming.”

The tech giant stated that it is working to add more “reliable, authoritative context” to the conversations about climate on its platform.

Twitter’s action follows similar actions taken by other tech companies. Earlier in the month, Pinterest announced It will ban users sharing climate misinformation on its website, and prohibit them from doing so. It will also remove posts debunking climate change.
And last year Google, Announcement It had banned ads that featured climate change deniers. As well as prohibiting advertising that denies climate change.
Separately from Twitter’s policy updates, European policymakers came to an agreement hours later Broad tech regulationsThis included stricter rules for how platforms regulate misinformation on social media and illegal content on other platforms.
Europe agrees to sweeping new regulations for tech platforms

Big Tech has been facing an increase in competition They are under pressure to stop the spread of misinformation about climate on their platforms.

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An open letter Signed by more than 200 scientists and activists, the November 2011 call was made for social media CEOs to establish climate misinformation policies comparable to the ones that were in place for Covid-19.
Twitter launched efforts last November to preemptively debunk or “pre-bunk“Disinformation about topics such as climate change by directing users towards online hubs that provide credible information. Twitter joined the Climate pact EUIn February, we committed to putting more effort into promoting reliable climate information.

This story was contributed by Rishi Iyengar and Clare Duffy of CNN Business.


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