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UF ignores climate solutions by using fossil gas plan
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UF ignores climate solutions by using fossil gas plan

The Duke Energy Cogeneration Plant on the University of Florida campus. Its closure is leading UF to seek a partner to build a new plant.


The Duke Energy Cogeneration Plant on the University of Florida campus. Its closure is leading UF to seek a partner to build a new plant.

As world leaders gather in Glasgow for COP26, the U.N. climate summit, the challenges they face are huge. The outcome will decide how we survive on a hotter planet, and whether worse levels of warming can possibly be avoided. 

We are witnessing our climate drama here in Gainesville at our most respected education institution. The University of Florida recognizes the importance of its mission to educate and inform as well as being a good global citizen. 

According to its website, UF is “working toward major institutional changes to reach its goal of carbon neutrality by 2025.” The recently updated UF Campus Action Plan 2.0 states that “UF has a special imperative to explore bold innovative solutions that address the environmental, social and economic risks posed by climate impacts.” 

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