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US Navy sailors describe the toxic work environment aboard USS George Washington
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US Navy sailors describe the toxic work environment aboard USS George Washington

Hannah Crisostomo, 20, (pictured) swallowed 196 pain relievers last May. She said she was overwhelmed by the conditions aboard the USS George Washington, where following her suicide attempt, five other crewmates killed themselves

A US Navy sailor revealed the horrific conditions aboard the USS George Washington that drove her to attempt suicide. Five other sailors were stationed on the vessel and took their own lives within a year.

Hannah Crisostomo from Menifee in California, was 17 when her Navy enlistment began. She went on board the USS George Washington at the age of 17. Crisostomo claims that she was subject to abuse and had to swallow 196 pain relievers after she was hurt on the ship last May. NBC reported.

Her brain was swelling from the overdose and she was taken to the hospital. She survived and was discharged by the Navy.

The ship is currently docked in Virginia Beach, where it will undergo a complete overhaul. Crisostomo states that construction is ongoing 24 hours a days, making it impossible for anyone to sleep.

Many sailors opt to sleep in cars that are parked in nearby parking lots, as large parts of the vessel lack electricity.

Others shipmates tried suicide following Crisostomo’s hospitalization. At least five suicides were confirmed by military officials. Three of them occurred within one week of each other earlier in the month.

Crisostomo, now 20 years old, said that ‘the command pushes me to that point’. She also stated that she couldn’t quit because she had signed a five year contract and that sailors were overworked. They were also treated poorly whenever they asked for help.

“Being in the Navy was everything I ever wanted. I wanted to be a part of something that would help the country.

She stated, “I got robbed of this, and I didn’t deserve it.”

Nautica Robinson, 23, was a crewmate who tried to kill herself last May.

Robinson, who was serving since 2019, said that she had repeatedly asked for better mental support onboard the ship, but claimed that she received very little assistance, even though she stated she was sexually abused in 2020 by another sailor.

Robinson stated, “It’s draining.” It’s very sad to see the amount of work that your employer can take.

She said, “They just threw me back in the environment, as if our attempted suicides didn’t happen.” “The things that pushed those sailors overboard did not exist.”

Hannah Crisostomo, 20, (pictured) swallowed 196 pain relievers last May. She said she was overwhelmed at the conditions aboard USS George Washington. There, five of her crewmates committed suicide.

Crisostomo attacked the alleged lack leadership aboard the ship and the failure of the sailors to take care of their mental health. She claimed that no one helped her when she needed it.

Nautica Robinson (23), a crewmate, attempted suicide last May. She also claimed that the ship’s toxic leadership was responsible for the suicides.

Robinson stated that she had repeatedly sought out leadership for better mental support for sailors. She received no help even though she claimed she was sexually assaulted by another sailor off base in 2020.

Five crew members of the USS George Washington (pictured below) have been confirmed to have committed suicide. Others have attempted suicide but failed.

Crisostomo, a woman suffering from a bipolar disorder yet to be diagnosed, stated that she first sought support from the leadership aboard theUSS George Washington six months ago.

She claimed that she was told to seek out help on her own, but that she worked night shifts and no one was available to help.

Crisostomo swallowed the pain relief pills and was placed on life support. Doctors warned Crisostomo’s family that she may never be able to regain normal brain functions.

However, she was unable to wake up from her nightmares and her mental state continued to deteriorate.

She said, “If they keep me, and they put back me in the same situation as before, I’m going be killed myself,” she thought, recalling thinking, “And I’m going the next time.”

Crisostomo, along with other sailors, spoke to NBC News under the condition that they were not identified because of fear of retaliation. They said that the ship was almost impossible for them to sleep due to the 24-hour construction noise.

The majority of sailors on board can go home to rest, but those from other states and who lack housing in Virginia are left with very few options.

NBC reported that sailors often choose to sleep in cars after working for close to 12 hours.

The boat was in an overhaul process, which is a thorough maintenance and repair process that occurs only once in a 50-year nuclear ship’s service life.

During overhaul, sailors claimed they were relegated and had to do menial tasks. One sailor told NBC that he sat on a bucket for almost two hours holding a fire extinguisher.

He stated that he became depressed quickly and lost more than 80 lbs before he was reassigned to the USS George Washington last summer due to injury.

In a Monday address, Master Chief Petty Officer of Navy Russell Smith stated to crew members that he was aware that working conditions were not pleasant during overhaul and that there was a suicide problem aboard the ship.

He said, “Beating suicide is like beating Cancer.”

Smith refuted the idea of the ship suffering from poor living standards. He stated that while sailors can express their concerns, they must do so with reasonable expectations.

Although the Navy did not comment on the suicides or attempts at suicide aboard the ship, it stated that it was committed to preventing similar tragedies in the future.

Rear Adm. John F. Meier was the commander of Naval Air Force Atlantic. He stated that they are committed to ensuring that our carriers are manned and trained to their optimal levels, including embedded mental healthcare providers.

Mika’il Rayshawn, 23, (pictured), committed suicide on April 9. His mother said that the young man was excited about starting a family with his wife.

Natasha Huffman was 23 years old, and committed suicide on April 10. Friends claimed that she repeatedly asked for help, but was only given a limited amount of assistance before she took her own life.

Xavier Hunter Sandor (above), committed suicide on April 15. His father stated that the sailor slept in a car and drove 8 hours each weekend from Virginia to Connecticut in order to escape.

The USS George Washington lostRetail Specialist 3rd class Mika’il Rayshawn Sharp, Interior Communications Electrician 2nd Class Natasha Huffman, and Master-at-Arms Seaman Recruit Xavier Hunter Sandor in a single week to suicide.

Natalie Jefferson, Sharp’s mother, said to NBC that Sharp had just got married last year and was planning on starting a family with her.

Jefferson stated that he was the life of every party. He didn’t show his pain.

According to one seaman aboard the ship, Huffman (23 years old) was suffering and could not get help from the navy. She then died.

According to NBC, the sailor stated that she was not receiving any assistance from the Navy despite her best efforts. “And then we got the call that she wasn’t with our team anymore.

Robinson, a friend and confidant of Huffman, said they bonded over conditions at the ship.

Robinson said to NBC that Robinson said that it was exhausting and tiring. Robinson said that she was able to go to the psychiatric ward and it helped. However, being sent back to the George Washington meant that we were still talking about that.

She said, “They really, truly failed her.”

John, Sandor’s father, stated that Sandor had complained about the ship’s conditions and was currently sleeping in his car, having completed 12-hour shifts.

John said to NBC that he had always said it sucked and that he would always advise him to seek help. ‘He’d say, ‘Dad, they don’t give a f***. They don’t even care. He never said that to me.

John noted that the conditions were so dire that his son would drive 8 hours every other weekend to visit his Connecticut family to see them.

According to the Pentagon’s most recent data on suicides, 19 sailors per 100,000 died in 2020. The army has the highest suicide rate, with 36 soldiers per 100,000.

John Kirby, the pentagon press secretary, stated last week that officials are working hard to reduce the number of people affected.

“We don’t want to see any Sailor hurt, hurt or lose his life, regardless of the cause. Kirby said that the Navy had taken this matter seriously.

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