Australia is facing yet another challenge “unprecedented” weather eventAs Extreme floodingSubmerges entire communities in Queensland and New South Wales
In the immediate aftermath, there’s a new challenge for many Australians in these flood-ravaged areas. On top of damage to houses, livelihoods and water supply, it’s hard to get food. Stores are Are you running out of fresh food?. Major supermarkets were forced to introduce Limits on certain foods.
Because of disruptions in food supply, it is becoming more common to find empty shelves in supermarkets and temporary food shortages in Australia. Pandemic COVID-19And Extreme weather events.
According to the Australian Weather Service, Australia can expect extreme weather events and disasters like droughts, heatwaves, and floods to become more frequent and worse. Latest report The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a global authority. This means that food supplies could be disrupted even more often. Food will cost more.
Our governments are largely ineffective at the moment. Rely on the Food Industryto ensure that our supply chain is resilient to these threats. The government also relies on charities. Feed peoplePeople who go hungry after disasters.
These responses will not suffice as climate threats increase. We need the government to lead.

Mick Tsikas/AAP
These shocks have a profound impact on the entire food system
Climate and pandemic crises pose real challenges to the food system, from production through transportation to consumption. Floods have ravaged or destroyed many areas in the food system in recent days. vegetable cropsLow lying areas of the Lockyer ValleyA hugely productive horticultural region near Brisbane.
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Here are the steps to ensure fresh food supplies are protected in cities.
Fresh food is now available Damaged in warehousesWhile the Brisbane MarketsDue to flood damage, we had to close.
The Pacific Highway from Sydney to Brisbane is blocked in certain places, interfering with food distribution. supermarketsWhile Food supplies for emergenciesFlood-affected residents are being provided with assistance. Floods are likely to cause food waste to rise. crop losses, Delays in food freightPower outages and other issues.
Earlier this year, West Australia had food shortages dubbed “The worst memory” after heavy flooding washed out 300 kilometres of the only railway linking it to the eastern states.
Food supply shocks have the most devastating impact on the most vulnerable
Many people are affected by the pandemic and floods. Temporary food shortagesIncreasing food costs. The greatest impact will be on those already living in the area. Food insecurityThis could mean that they might not have regular access to safe and nutritious food in order to live a healthy and active life.
Rates of Food insecurity in AustraliaThey are highest among Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander folks, asylum seekers, people who have no income and are unemployed.
During the first 12months of the pandemic Australians were Demand doubled for food relief. More people were forced into food insecurity, including Casual workersWho lost their jobs Temporary migrantsAnd International students.

James Ross/AAP
Fully one in six (17%) Australian adults are now aged over 18 by 2021 They were severely food insecureAccording to estimates, 1.2 million children live in food insecure homes.
Even before the pandemic, food insecurity was at alarming levels. Australia’s food relief needs has risen rapidlyOver the last decade. This indicates that there are other causes, such low income support.
We must make our food systems more resilient
Plans are needed to improve the resilience of food systems to stress and shocks. Governments usually have plans to manage. Food supplies for emergenciesDuring a disaster.
That’s no longer enough. We need a new focus on building the long term resilience of our food systems to future shocks like climate change, pandemics, and even famine. Geopolitical shifts emerging from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
What would this look? Our New infographicThis report identifies key features that make a resilient food supply system. It is based on our Research on the resilience of Melbourne’s food system.
One feature is diversity in where and how we source our food – global and local, large and small scale, commercial and community enterprises, supermarkets and other food markets.

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Another option is a decentralised supply chain for food, where food processing and distribution are distributed across many organizations and locations. The risks of being highly centralised have been demonstrated by the pandemic. Food processingAnd Distribution.
We must also be stronger Food supply chains in the local and regional areas. Short food supply chains can connect people directly with local food producers. Increase the resilience of food systemsWhen longer food supply chain are disrupted. They can also Build local economies.
Our governments must be leaders
There’s a common belief Australia is a Food security in a countrySimply because we produce and ship a lot.
But Food securityIt’s about more than just the quantity of food we produce. It’s also about ensuring we all have access to nutritious food and ensuring our food supplies are resilient.
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What is food security?
We can’t rely on charities and the food industry to deal with our increasing food insecurity and help us recover from disasters.
Australian governments require food resilience plans that outline their strategies to ensure that all Australians have access to sufficient nutritious food in a world with increasing food shortages.
Access to adequate food is essential. fundamental human right. Our governments have a responsibility for helping us realize this right.