It’s good both for the planet as well as your wallet. West Michigan Rideshare provides many transportation options in West Michigan. West Michigan Rideshare aims to reach even more communities and is expanding its services.
West Michigan Rideshare provides Kent, Ottawa, Allegan counties with solutions for connecting riders looking for a better way of managing their commutes and for the business community looking for ways to improve employee travel.
The Rapids vanpooling program keeps people on the move by providing a shared ride for those with similar commutes. The Rapid offers a vehicle, maintenance and insurance, as well as fuel and 24-hour emergency roadside assistance. All included in a low monthly fee.
COVID-19 restrictions require program participants to share a ride only with other employees of the same organization. All riders and drivers must wear face masks. Each group is provided with the necessary PPE supplies as well as cleaning products.
Visit this site if you are interested in learning more or signing up. wmrideshare.orgFor van and carpooling options.
Or visit ridetherapid.orgFor more information about the regular bus service, please visit:
Sponsored by The Rapid