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What is Sierra Club California, and How Does It Protect the Environment?
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What is Sierra Club California, and How Does It Protect the Environment?

You hear all sorts of Sierra Club entities being mentioned when you are a newbie to the club. National, Sierra Club California Chapter, Sierra Club Angeles Chapter Sierra Club Bay Chapter, Sierra Club California National Chapter, and many more. We’re here to shed a little light today on Sierra Club California.

Sierra Club is the California legislative and regulatory advocacy arm. We’re unlike any other Club chapter anywhere in the country. We only focus on issues and campaigns at the state-level. 

We’re based in Sacramento, just a few blocks from the Capitol building. Pre-pandemic years, our staff would move around the Capitol and other state agencies, meeting with legislators, decision makers, and their staff. Today, advocacy is done via phone calls and virtual meetings. 

Our chapter is managed by a volunteer board or, in Club parlance: an administrator. executive committee. Volunteers from a variety of committees determine which positions we take on legislation and who we endorse in elections. 
The Sierra Club California staffThree policy advocates (we’re currently hiring another!Two organizers, an admin, and a communication person. Our operations staff keep our office running, while our communications person keeps our newsletters flowing and social media active. Meanwhile, our organizers work hard for you, our volunteers and members, to make sure that campaigns are well-informed and engaging. 


Our policy advocates represent Sierra Club California at state legislatures and regulatory agencies. We promote pro-environmental bills and policies, and stop harmful bills and policies. 


Our legislative advocacy is a critical component of the work we do to ensure that future generations have the opportunity to enjoy and preserve California’s beautiful and unique lands, coasts, waters, and communities. We track more than 500 bills each year that have an impact on the environment. 


February 18th was the deadline for bills to be introduced. There have been 55 bills that contain some environmental content so far. This number is likely to rise significantly (pre-pandemic it was common for bills containing environmental keywords to exceed 600). There are 2 bills currently that address desalination. 13 address water quality and environmental justice. 5 address water storage.


Policy advocates analyze bills as they are filed. They consult a wide range of resources, including the expert knowledge and expertise of many of our volunteers, to help them research and analyze them. Staff use this information for the development of suggested positions. Then, they submit those positions to our. Volunteer legislative committeeThey will determine the final position on the bill. We will post a list 2022 priority bills to our website by mid-March.


Individual Sierra Club members and local Sierra Club Chapters should not take independent positions on bills. If you see a bill that a member or local Chapter believes should have a Club position on it, please email Patricia Jones, chair of our legislative committee at She can ensure the committee takes it into consideration.


Also, if you want to track particular bills or learn more about a bill’s status, the state has an excellent bill information system online at


Sierra Club California is California’s largest grassroots environmental advocacy organization. That wouldn’t be possible without members like you. We reach out to each other at least once a week to request that you call your legislators, send an email to regulators, or participate in a local campaign. 


Decision makers can see the power of Sierra Club through the actions of our members. So if you’ve just joined the Sierra Club—or been a member for years—you’re playing a key role in protecting the environment and our communities across the state and Happy World Water Day! 




Brandon Dawson


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