Fourth grade was my fourth grade class in New York City. I always assigned an Earth Day project to students. They were to use recycled items such as empty toilet paper rolls or tin cans to make art. Children created wind chimes and bird feeders, and took nature walks through our neighborhood. My goals were to teach students about recycling and to encourage appreciation for the natural world. Now, as a parent of a kindergartener and second grader in Chicago Public Schools, I’ve worked on countless of these projects with my own children.
Recent years have seen a significant increase in the number of people who are able to read and write English.LocalAndGlobal advocacy of young people, I’ve come to recognize the necessity of doing more to educate students about climate change, one of today’s most pressing issues. Earth Day is a great occasion to do it.
Earth is about now 1.2℃ warmer than it was in the 19th century, and it is projected to be about 2.4℃ warmer by the end of the century. But if we want the Worst consequences of climate change — including more frequent and intense extreme weather, damage and irreversible loss to ocean ecosystems, a reduction in people’s physical and mental health, economic loss, and disruption of key services and infrastructure — the increase in temperature must remain below 1.5℃. We are not on track.
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Everybody must make an immediate effort to combat climate change, even elementary school teachers.
As a teacher educator and researcher in education, I have spent the last two years watching my colleagues do this work in an age-appropriate manner. I’ve seenSixth-graders create and perform plays about climate changes; fifth-gradersAnd Pre-service teachers learn water justicePreschoolers learn about environmental responsibility, with an emphasis upon principles from Indigenous cultures.
I’ve also participated in a study group with pre-K to college educators to read the anthology “All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis,” edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson. This book helped me and my colleagues to reflect on our lives. Contributions by individuals to climate action by asking: “What are you good at? What is the most challenging work? What brings you joy?” The discussions that followed left me inspired by the work of these Chicago-area teachers, in their classrooms and beyond.
One thing I’ve learned through this work is that many elementary teachers, like lots of people around the planet, get stuck in inaction. Some of us feel like we don’t know enough about climate change. Some of us are more knowledgeable than others, but feel overwhelmed and overwhelmed by the complexity of climate change and the work required. Many of us really want climate change to be addressed in our teaching but feel constrained or under immense pressure from our curricula to make up for lessons missed by students due to the pandemic.
It has been a great help to some elementary teachers that I have worked with to see climate change as something beyond science education and learning. Kristine Schutz, my colleague and I suggested many.Connect to the Illinois State Standards for Science and Social Studies: Through inquiry units in grades K-1 that focus on loving the planet, one another, and grades 2-3 about living in an interconnected universe. Grades 4-5 are about renewable energy and sustainability. Grades 6-8 are about intersectional climate justice.
We can also teach about climate change using English Language Arts instruction. This gives young people the skills to read and discuss complex issues. The example of this is the CPS Skyline Curriculum has a great unit for sixth gradeFocused on non-fiction reading, inquiry/research and argument writing that explores the fundamental question: How can we balance the needs and the natural world? Alternatively, children canClimate fiction: Read and writeAs they envision more just futures.
I hope elementary educators will embrace this Earth Day and use it to teach about climate change. We can read aloud picture books about environmental stewardship (“We are Water Protectors” by Carole LindstromOne of my favorite sites; explore texts on topics such as the fashion industry or clean energy (The Climascope projectis a great resource); make art to inform others and inspire climate action (Poets for the Planet offers ideas Poem-athon hosted). It’s going to take all of us to move the needle on climate change.
Dr. Rebecca Woodard, Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at University of Illinois at Chicago, is a professor. She is a former New York City middle- and elementary school teacher and now studies literacy instruction and writing. Follow her on Twitter @beccawoodard