RThe potential for ewilding to boost climate mitigation is huge, according to the Global Rewilding AllianceThe umbrella group of organisations working to restore ecosystems is the ECOG. Saturday, March 19th World Rewilding DayThe focus this year is on wild animals and their critical importance for the climate. Wildebeest and wolves can be used to rewilded landscapes, which could be more important than planting trees.

The right animals can be added to the right place to balance the ecosystem and maximize carbon storage. Highland cattle, for example, can be introduced to upland areas to help redistribute nutrients and seeds over large areas and promote plant growth. Too many herbivores can lead to overgrazing so carnivores also need to be considered. The balance is key to reducing carbon emissions. North American boreal forest could absorb 10% of US fossil fuel-burned carbon emissions if there are enough wolves, moose, and trees.

It’s not just on land that animals can help. Ocean predators, such as whales, consume prey in deep waters and excrete nutrients at sea. This promotes phytoplankton growth that reduces carbon dioxide. The take-home message: we’re going to need wolves as well as wind turbines to stand any chance of capping global heating at 1.5C.