World Health Day is an annual awareness day that is observed worldwide on April 7. It aims to shift attention towards the importance of health and promote global health. Health issuesPeople all over the globe are affected by it. Keep in mind the current pandemic, a polluted planet, and an increasing incidence of diseases, the theme of World Health Day 2022 is ‘Our Planet, Our Health’.
According to the World Health Organisation, more than 13 million deaths each year worldwide are caused by preventable causes. UmweltproblemeThe climate crisis, which is the biggest health risk facing people all over the globe, will be included. As such, WHO will focus “global attention on urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet health and foster a movement to create societies focused on well-being,” it said.
As we highlight the collective importance of keeping the planet and ourselves happy today, let’s also understand how theConsumption of ultra-processed food is on the riseThis is not only bad for your health but also for the environment.
Impact of ultra-processed food on health and environment
Dr Anish Dasai, a nutraceutical physician and founder of IntelliMed Healthcare Solutions, says that ultra-processed food accounts for between 25-60% of the daily energy intake in many countries. “Processed foods such as baked packaged goods, snacks, Carbonated drinksCereals with sugar, ready-to-eat foods containing additives and dry vegetable soups are all examples of foods that contain high amounts of processed sugars, salt, fats, and lack nutrients like vitamins. micronutrients, and fibre,” he said.
He also said that such foods can lead him to obesity, coronary heart disease and diabetes, irritable stool syndrome, depression, and Cancer.
They are not only harmful to our health, but they also have severe negative effects on the planet. According to the British Medical Association, a study that looked at processed foods over three decades found that there was a 21% increase in diet-related greenhouse gases emissions.
According to a nutritionist, for every nutrient found in soy there are two that are harmful to our bodies. (Source: Pixabay)
Elucidating further, Dr Desai said, “Rapid rise of ultra-processed foods in human diets will impact the diversity of plant species available for human consumption, as the production of ultra-processed foods involves greater use of ingredients extracted from a handful of high-yielding plant species (such as Maize, wheat, soy and oilseed crops) which means that animal-sourced ingredients used in many ultra-processed foods are often derived from confined animals fed on the same crops.”
“Another area of concern is that ultra-processed food production uses large quantities of natural resources like land, water, energy, Herbicides and fertilizers, causing environmental degradation from greenhouse gas emissions and accumulation,” he added.
Mugdha Pradhan is the CEO and Founder of iThrive. “Processed foods harm the environment as they leave behind a relatively High carbon footprint. Energy sources are overexploited in the production of these foods. Also, they use unnatural and artificial methods to produce them,” she explained.
She also changed her focus to animal crueltyProduce ultra-processed foods. “Processed milk and meat are produced by giving estrogen injection and antibiotics to animals.”
Sustainable methods to improve health and the environment
Pradhan has suggested some healthy lifestyle tips.
*Eat organ meat as they are high in nutritionEggs and meat. However, it is important to eat free-range meat.
*Stop using seed and vegetable oils. Instead, use butter, ghee, or coconut oil.
*Stop eating soy. There are two harmful antinutrients for every nutrient in soy.
*Ensure to include movement in your daily routine. ASedentary lifestyleMany health problems can result.
Dr Desai believes that the greatest impact of implementing sustainable health care habits is in focusing at the source of health: by creating healthy living spaces and working in healthy environments. “Incorporating sustainability into your lifestyle means becoming aware of the impact of your choices in food, products, and energy use,” he said.
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