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Your new post-workout protein beverage could be helping the planet | Read
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Your new post-workout protein beverage could be helping the planet | Read

For every cup strained yogurtTwo cups of whey are a byproduct of the dairy industry in our country. If it is released into the environment, whey can pose a threat to the environment. It is naturally acidic and can cause harm to the environment by altering the pH of groundwater. This can result in lower crop yields, decreased oxygen levels, and adverse effects on aquatic life.

In response, The Spare Food Company, founded in New Yorks Hudson River Valley by Chef Adam Kaye and his sustainability-minded brother Jeremy, created a new beverage that uses upcycled whey as a main ingredient.

Spare Tonic

Spare TonicIt is made from four simple ingredients: fermented milk, fruit, honey, spices, and honey. This makes it mildly acidic and effervescent, much like kombucha. Spare Tonic has the same probiotic benefits as kombucha. However, Spare Tonic is made with whey, which makes it naturally richer and more nutritious in vitamins, electrolytes, and other nutrients. It also contains 7g of protein. It is ideal for post-workout because it has a 3:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein.

Spare Tonic 2

Next time you’re in need of a drink, make sure it’s as refreshing for the environment and for your body. You’ll find it in the refrigerated area.

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