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Zimmerman: The importance and value of environmental literacy
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Zimmerman: The importance and value of environmental literacy

Students have been deprived of environmental education for decades by legislators and educators.

Californias Environmental Literacy Task Force2015 found that K-12 students in California lack consistent access to high-quality learning experiences that are adequately funded and that foster environmental literacy.

It is unacceptable that there is not enough education about climate change and the role of humans in it. The environment is not something that youth today have the option to choose from. Recent researchIt is estimated that people born after 2010 could face four times the climate-induced natural catastrophes than people born in 1960. This is only if global warming remains below 1.5 Celsius.

Environmental literacy

To be EcoliterateIt is to be able to understand how natural environments affect individual organisms, including humans. This does not mean just adding a “climate literacy” subject to school curriculum. True climate literacy is more than just adding a subject to the school curriculum. It involves embedding environmental perspectives in all subjects.

A comprehensive education in environmental literacy also includes an understanding of how individuals interact with economic, political, and social systems in order achieve their environmental goals. It is our responsibility to today’s youth to provide them with the knowledge, skills, and efficacy to make amends for the past and to create their future.

It has been the youth that have contributed. The push was led by for better climate education. Diya Kandhra (high school student and environmental advocate) says there is a lack of consistent conversations in public schools about climate change or sustainability.

Kandhra recalls how climate change was not discussed in public school education for 12 years. I had to go to great lengths to learn about it in school. This was because I was a high school senior registering to take AP Environmental Science.

Local students are fed up with the lack of education options and have begun to advocate directly to their elected representatives. Kandhra, a student from Kandhra, recognizes that the fight against climate change is a responsibility for the younger generation. Being equipped with climate literacy knowledge is half of the solution.

Education programs can help youth channel their frustrations over the historical lack of action on climate changes and growing climate anxiety into positive action. Climate literacy, which is an ability to communicate climate information across borders, can be used because climate change is a global problem. The student-driven efforts range from Put pressure on legislatorsTo demand better from school boards and to create their own climate education.

Moving forward

State senators have begun to take a stand for climate literacy. State Sen. Ben Allen was the leader of a bill last year to address climate literacy. Provide funding for the creation curricular resources. A budget request of $200 million was supported by several California legislators, including Josh Becker and Dave Cortese, to help with the dissemination of this curriculum at all levels, including the county, state and district levels.

Assembly Bill 1939 can also be found. in committee.The bill would amend California’s education code to require climate change instruction. Cortese, the principal co-author, agree with student advocates that the best way to combat climate change is to educate the next generation about the causes and consequences of climate change as well as what can we do to address them.

It will likely take several decades to fully implement statewide climate literacy. For more information, visit the California Environmental Literacy InitiativeThe California Department of Educations publication. A Blueprint for Environmental Literacy.

These are only the first steps in a long-overdue effort to provide adequate climate education. I encourage adults and youth to be proactive in learning about the climate crisis.

The Santa Clara County Environmental Literacy Initiatives page has more information. Environmental Literacy SummitThe county Office of Education organized the event. This event is free and will be held virtually on Saturday, April 30th from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

San Jos Spotlight columnist Erin Zimmerman, a Climate Reality Projects Silicon Valley chapter leader, is Erin Zimmerman. Erin, who is a long-time environmental activist and political activist, has a PhD in political sciences. Her column appears every Wednesday of the month. Contact Erin at [email protected].

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