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150 ex-EPA staffers request Virginia lawmakers to oppose Wheeler’s nomination
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150 ex-EPA staffers request Virginia lawmakers to oppose Wheeler’s nomination

Overnight Energy & Environment Youngkin nominates Trump EPA chief

More than 150 ex-employees of the Environmental Protection Agency are urging Virginia legislators to oppose the nomination to the Trump administration’s EPA chief to a high ranking environmental position.

The former employees wrote an open letter to senators asking them to oppose this impending nomination. Andrew WheelerAndrew WheelerOvernight Energy & Environmentlummis holds up Biden EPA selects 150 ex-EPA employees to ask Virginia legislators to oppose Wheeler’s nomination Overnight Energy & Environment Virginia gears for fight against Trump-era official MOREFormer coal lobbyist, to be the state’s Natural Resource Secretary.

Mr. Wheeler was the EPA Administrator and he took a radical approach.Instead, EPA’s ability to protect the environment and public health is being systematically undermined.They wrote in favor of polluters.

Mr. Wheeler also ignored science at the agency and chose to ignore both agency and science.Outside experts rewrote rules to reduce greenhouse gasses and protect climate.They also added that he had taken steps to weaken EPA as well as slow efforts to get the agency back on track after he resigned.

The first letter was received. Report by The Associated PressLater, the Hill was also shared.

Virginia Governor’s spokesperson Glenn YoungkinGlenn YoungkinSunday Shows Preview: Democrats’ struggle to vote rights bill comes to a head Youngkin is inaugurated as the first GOP Virginia governor for over a decade. Overnight Energy & Environment Lummis keeps up Biden EPA picks MORE(R) however, defended former EPA administrator in a written statement.

“Wheeler is the right candidate for the job, and tSpopokesman Macaulay Porter said that Andrew was selected by Governor-elect because of his extraordinary qualifications and will deliver for Virginians.

Andrew will be a vital part of the Chesapeake Bay protection, supporting the Virginia Coastal Restoration Authority and stopping the unneeded dumping raw sewage into James River and to Potomac. Porter said Virginians demand more from their elected officials that partisan bickering.

Democrats and environmentalists have reacted negatively to the Youngkin decision last week to nominate Wheeler. They cited Wheelers record in loosing environmental protections while he was at the EPA.

A rare confirmation battle is in the making, as Democrats retain narrow control over the state Senate. The Hill was informed last week by key moderates that they would oppose the nomination.

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