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5 Features of an Environment Friendly House that Can Support Healthy Living
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5 Features of an Environment Friendly House that Can Support Healthy Living

Our home is our paradise. This is where we feel most at home. It is not surprising that we spend our time, effort, and thought in building our home. We have expectations and a vision of how we should live our lives, and our homes should reflect that. When choosing a house, these expectations must also take into account the environment. It is possible to fulfill your expectations by choosing an environmentally-friendly house. We can help you understand why you should buy an environmentally friendly home.

Why you should choose an eco-friendly house

We live in an age when the world is moving at a rapid rate. But this rapid development and progress comes at a price. Let’s take Bangalore, an Indian city, as an example.

From 1973 to 2017, Bangalore saw a staggering increase in its population of 1028%. This has led to a decline in 88% in green cover as more land is being cleared to accommodate the growing population. The city has also seen a 79% drop in its water tables. The temperature has risen from 2 C to 2.50 C, and the city has also experienced occasional floods.

We have already discussed the disastrous consequences of neglecting the environment during the growth and development in a city like Bangalore. Imagine the situation around the world. Although these environmental effects cannot be reversed completely, you can make an effort to reduce them by purchasing an environmentally friendly home.

How can an environmentally-friendly house contribute to sustainable living?

An environmentally friendly house is well-equipped for you to live sustainably in these ways:

1) An environmentally-friendly house uses renewable energy sources like solar energy, wind power, and the like. This not only conserves scarce and nonrenewable resources, like oil, coal, and so on. These non-renewable resources also help reduce carbon emissions.

2) A responsible and efficient waste management system is essential for an environment-friendly house. It separates the waste at its source and has a resource recovery center on-site for secondary separation. The composting facility on-site also composts the wet waste, creating manure for the house. There are also provisions for the disposal and treatment other types of waste such as hazardous including e-waste, battery, etc. Non-hazardous wastes such as paper, plastic, and others. Authorized recyclers or vendors.

3) An environmentally-friendly house has efficient flow fixtures, a rainwater harvesting system, and a water storage system to meet residents’ water needs and reduce their dependence on freshwater. It also includes a sewage treatment facility that treats wastewater from homes and reuses it for flushing and gardening.

4) It protects biodiversity within the premises.

5) An environmentally friendly home uses energy-efficient and sustainable technologies. This includes the use LED lighting, energy efficient AC & fridges, and Climate Responsive Design. This ensures proper air circulation and the use of natural sunlight. This reduces the dependence on artificial cooling.

Mahindra Eden: Practice Sustainability

The right real estate company will make the process of selecting your dream house much easier. Mahindra Lifespaces is the best choice. It has established itself as an outstanding real estate company over the years. Because their residential projects are not only designed to shape the urban landscape but also offer a way to live a more purposeful life. Take Mahindra Eden for instance.

Mahindra EdenIt aims to provide a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle that is also sustainable. Mahindra Eden contributes to 6 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. These include Clean Water and Sanitation (SGD 6, Affordable and Clean Energy (7 SDG 7), Sustainable Cities and Communities (1 SDG 11), Sustainable Consumption and Production (12 SDG 12), Climate Action (SDG 13), and Life on Land (15 SDG 15). Visit their official website to learn more about the UN SDG. It includes all the necessary measures to ensure a green house. It has many more policies and systems in place than those mentioned before. Book your Mahindra Eden house now!

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