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Redistricting in this Political Environment: How Important is it?
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Redistricting in this Political Environment: How Important is it?

Redistricting: In This Political Environment, How Much Does it Matter?
March 28, 2018, Washington, D.C.: Demonstrators gathered in front of the Supreme Court. (Joshua Roberts/Reuters)

There’s still a long road ahead between now and the 2022 elections elections, but it will be a spectacular irony if 1) as Dave Wasserman contends, Democrats Redistricting actually gives Republicans more winnable seats than Republicans.Consider these things: How loud Democrats scream Republicans plan to manipulate redistricting processes and gerrymander their way into an illegitimate majority at the U.S. House of Representatives. and 2) the new district lines don’t matter much in the end, because Republicans are set for a Red tsunamiNevertheless, it will be the year. Republicans They almost never use the generic ballot, but they do use lead on the lead ballot, Biden’s approval rating is terrible, the midterm elections traditionally go bad for the president’s party, and the country is in a bad mood because of high inflation, high gas prices, high food prices, the continuing supply chain problems, a worker shortage, the border, Covid-19 not being shut down, arguments about mask mandates, Afghanistan, and so on.

Republicans aren’t guaranteed to have a huge red wave year… but it is looking pretty likely at this point.



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