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Inspiration Healthcare Expects FY 2022 to Beat Despite Difficult Trade Environment
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Inspiration Healthcare Expects FY 2022 to Beat Despite Difficult Trade Environment

By Kyle Morris

Inspiration Healthcare Group Plc said Thursday that it expects to exceed market expectations for fiscal 2022 despite supply-chain problems and cost increases.

The London-listed medical technology company reported that its revenue for the year ended January 31 was around 41.0 million pounds ($55.7million), 10.9% higher than the previous year.

Adjusted earnings before taxes, interest, depreciation or amortization–which excludes extraordinary items–is expected to be at least GBP6.2 million. This is 10.5% more than the previous year.

Neil Campbell, Chief Executive, stated that the company enters the new financial year with confidence.

It stated that the full-year results will be released on May 4.

Write to Kyle Morris at

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