Date Posted March 30th 2022 @ 10.08 AM
Last Updated: March 30, 2022 @ 10.23 AM
Notice of Preparation for Draft Environmental Impact Report General Plan for Oakland 2045
Comments on Scope Due by May 2, 20,22
The City is currently preparing an Environmental Impact Report for Phase I of the Oakland 2045 General Plan update (Project). The EIR’s purpose is to provide information on potential environmental impacts of the Project, identify mitigation measures that can minimize any significant impacts, and analyze possible alternatives that could have lower impacts.
A Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR),The draft was published on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. The public comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), ends Monday, May 2, 2022. Comments on the scope of the DEIR may also be sent via email to [email protected].
A public scoping session will be held by the City at the 4/20/22 Planning Commission meetingThe Planning Commission will solicit public comments and suggestions on the types of information and analyses that should be included within the DEIR. The City anticipates that a DEIR will be available for public review by October 2022.
Map Atlas
The Map AtlasIt provides baseline spatial data about existing conditions, mappable resources, trends and critical concerns, which will help to frame decisions for the long-term physical growth of Oakland. The Atlas contains information about land uses and natural and community resources, as well as information about urban form and transportation infrastructure. This document will serve as a foundation for:
- Facilitating community input on planning matters, priorities, vision for the future
- Understanding the opportunities and identifying the constraints
- Evaluating policy issues and alternatives for housing sites (as Part of Phase 1), and alternative land use/transportation concepts (as Part of Phase 2);
- The General Plan Update: Policies and actions to be implemented
- For the General Plan Update, mapping and baseline assessment are required for the environmental setting section of the reports. This is currently anticipated for each phase.

Baseline for Environmental and Racial Equity
The Environmental Justice and Racial Equity BaselineThe General Plan can be used to identify and define disparities by race and geography. This document’s findings will be used to:
- To establish a baseline of environmental justice and racial equality, City staff and the public can have conversations about these issues. This is especially important for those living in communities that are most affected by racial inequalities that make them vulnerable to climate changes.
- Serve as the baseline for the Environmental Justice Element of the General Plan
- Let the City coordinate interdepartmental efforts to address environmental justice and racial equality.