The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has prepared a draft of an environmental impact statement (EIS), for the Commonwealth LNG Project, which was proposed by Commonwealth LNG, LLC.
The Commonwealth requests authorization to construct, operate, and site a natural gas export terminal and natural gas liquefaction plant in Cameron Parish, Louisiana. The Project would comprise the following components: An 8.4 million metric ton per annum LNG Terminal, its associated facilities, six 50,000-cubic-meter liquid natural gas (LNG), storage tanks, and one marine facility. It will also include a single LNG carrier barge dock, berth, and maneuvering area. 3.0 miles of 42 inches diameter pipeline, along with its associated facilities. This includes two interconnections facilities at existing natural gases pipelines, and one metering station. The pipeline would transport approximately 1.44 billion cubic yards of natural gas daily to the LNG terminal.
The draft EIS was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Council on Environmental Quality regulations for implementing NEPA 40 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 15001508 (40 CFR 1500-1508), and FERC regulations implementing NEPA 18 CFR 380.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Coast Guard are cooperating agencies. The draft EIS was prepared by the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations National Marine Fisheries Service as cooperating agencies. The NEPA analysis is made possible by cooperating agencies, which have special expertise or jurisdiction under law over resources that could be affected by the proposal. While the draft EIS was compiled by cooperating agencies, they did not contribute to the final conclusions and recommendations. The agencies will however present their own conclusions or recommendations in their Records of Decision.
FERC staff concluded that approval of the proposed project, including the mitigation measures recommended by the EIS, would cause some adverse environmental consequences. These impacts on the environment would be less than significant, but FERC staff concluded that there would be significant impacts to visual resources and communities of environmental justice. The EIS does not categorize the greenhouse gas emissions of the project as significant or insignificant. Instead, the Commission is conducting a generic proceeding to determine if and how it will conduct significance determinations moving forward.
The analysis resulted in specific mitigation measures being developed by the Commission staff. These measures were included as recommendations in the draft EIS. These mitigation measures should be attached to any authorization issued or recommended by staff.
The comment period for draft EIS closes on May 23, 2022. When deciding on the Commonwealth LNG Project, the Commission will consider staff’s suggestions.