We here at Almost Heaven know a lot about nature and the reasons we must protect it. This Earth Day, it is vital to remember why we must continue to work for a healthy, sustainable environment.
West Virginia Tourism offers many ideas to celebrate our little corner on the Earth. These include visiting the West Virginia State Wildlife Center, French Creek, or riding a bike or walking along the North Bend Rail Trail. At wvtourism.com there are also ideas for supporting our local honeybees and shopping locally — Wetzel County’s ThistleDew Farm is one example.
Reminders at a national level include walking, biking or carpooling, and taking public transportation instead of commuting by vehicle; recycling; growing food for pollinators; and even an activity where kids make bird-feeders. Anything that teaches children a little bit about the role we play in protecting the planet’s inhabitants and our environment is a good idea. That’s why a trip to the State Wildlife Center is such a good idea. It is a reminder that humans don’t live on a healthy planet.
The task of establishing a path forward for our economy that protects both the planet as well as our workers is difficult for elected officials, corporate leaders, and bureaucrats.
We are lucky to live in a state of indescribable natural beauty. We are reminded that Earth Day is a reminder of our responsibility to protect our home among the hills and the planet as best as we can.
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