The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, (ECLAC), announced that the 12 States Parties to the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, known as the Escaz Agreement, and the observer nations who participated in the Conference of the Parties’ (COP 1), approved a declaration reaffirming the treaty’s importance as a driving force for sustainability development.
ECLAC stated that delegates also reaffirmed treaty as a key governance tool for the development and improvement of public policies in the region with a view towards ensuring a healthy environment, for both present and future generations.
ECLAC reported that more than 780 participants from countries, regional and international organizations, panellists, and representatives of civil society participated in the meeting over the three days (April 20-22).
More than 290 people also followed each day of the live broadcast over different channels, ECLAC said.
It stated that the Escaz Agreement’s final day included a high-level segment to celebrate the first anniversary of the treaty’s entry into force. This was moderated by Mario Cimoli (ECLACs acting executive secretary).
Cimoli stated that International Mother Earth Day was a special moment. He emphasized this in his opening remarks.
He said that we need answers to understand how to move forward and what actions to take in the future, given the difficult times the world is currently facing.
Vayas stated that we are at a crossroads for humanity in terms of environmental protection.
He stated that international environmental governance must be focused on the development of timely, coherent, and participatory solutions that allow us all to confront the environmental crises that face us without leaving anyone behind.
Brcena highlighted that this is a truly remarkable moment, congratulating all countries that have ratified Escaz and proposing that COP1 of Escaz be dedicated indigenous peoples, the silent guardians for the Earth and its biodiversity.
The Escaz Agreement is an example of Latin America’s commitment to multilateralism. However, it is a different kind, where agreements are made jointly between government and society.
ECLAC noted that Brcena received wide recognition from all participants during the event for her firm support of this initiative. It would not have happened without her.
ECLAC announced that she was informally named the Escaz Agreement ambassador for life.
Bachelet congratulated all States Parties that have ratified the pioneering agreement (the Escaz Agreement), for their leadership at the global and regional levels in the search of new tools to protect the environment. He also urged states to ratify the Escaz Agreement promptly.
Legal instruments like the Escaz Agreement can be used by states to enforce their obligations to protect the environment and to ensure that they do not inflict injustices on the environment. Because its protagonists are rights defenders, the Escaz Agreement is undoubtedly a landmark.
Delegates also called on all signator countries to the Escaz Agreement who have not yet done so to do so as soon as they can.
ECLAC reported that delegates also approved a number of decisions on various themes related to the functioning COP, including the rules for procedure relating to the structure and function of the Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance. They also agreed to hold an extraordinary meeting in Argentina in April 2023.
The Escaz Agreement’s second and final ordinary meeting will be held in April 2024.