The proposal to delay the filing of an appeal by tax authority when the question of law is pending in the jurisdictional Hc/S would help reduce administrative workload
Budget 2022 | Budget presentation | Budget at a Glance
The Budget 2022-23 is presented against the backdrop an uncertain global climate. The IMF revised its 2022 world output projections by 50 basis point to 4.4 percent from its earlier estimates. India managed to withstand these contractionary forces and experienced a growth rate in 2021-22 of 8.8%.
The Economic Survey predicts that India will grow by 8 to 8.5% in 2022-23, a continuation of its current growth rate. Budget 2022-23 has a pragmatic approach to keeping revenue expenditure under control while increasing capital spending. Expenditure
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First published: Tuesday, February 01, 2022. 23:09 IST