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Advocates for Energy & Environment look for Plan Bclimate legislation
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Advocates for Energy & Environment look for Plan Bclimate legislation

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Welcome to Wednesdays Overnight Energy & Environment,The latest news and information on energy, environment, and everything in between. Subscribe here

Today we are looking at possible solutions Joe ManchinTwo large-scale solar projects are advanced by the Joe ManchinBiden administration in California. Nuclear power is not a viable business option and could worsen climate change. On The Money Biden’s plea, Don’t forget to Build Back Betteropposition to major environmental legislation; new research on how decarbonize transportation; and another EPA reversal from a Trump-era policy.

Rachel Frazin was the editor of The Hill. Zack Budryk was the vice-president. Send us tips: [email protected]And [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter: @RachelFrazinAnd @BudrykZack.

Lets jump in.

Advocates, Dems Seek Climate Plan B

Sen. Joe Manchin(D.W.Va.), which dealt a fatal blow to Democratic plans regarding climate change, left climate hawks scrambling in search of alternative routes to meaningful actions as the 2022 midterms approach.

The Build Back Better agenda was the best hope for legislative action on climate change. Without Manchins support, it is difficult to see how any significant legislative progress can be made next fiscal year.

It could also delay efforts for years to come, considering the likelihood of a GOP takeover both of the Houses and possibly the Senate in the aftermath of the midterms. A GOP Congress would not expect to tackle climate change aggressively, if at all.

So is it? Advocates for the Build Back better bill urged the administration not to abandon Manchin’s position and to resume talks with him.

I think the negotiations can go on. Melinda Pierce, legislative Director for the Sierra Club, said that I believe we must agree.

She stated that the only way to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2030 was through a bill similar to Build Back Better.

So it must be done, she stated.

Ben Pendergrass, Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s senior director of government relations, expressed similar optimism that at most some form of the bills climate ambitions might survive.

He said that we cannot let this moment pass without being held to a deadline. He said that even though it may take a while, we should still hold hearings and make some changes or additions to our policy.

What is Congress thinking?Although the White House isn’t giving up on the bill’s revival, it is still working towards it. However, some lawmakers are open to other options.

Rep. Jared HuffmanJared William HuffmanOvernight energy & environment presented by ExxonMobil Kerry Announces Climate Statement with China Pelosi defends America’s’moral authority on climate action Liberals, moderates reach a deal on the Biden agenda, clearing the way for votes(D-Calif.), did not rule out the possibility of passing pieces of the reconciliation bill individually. He said that the bill tax credits would be his most important climate provision if he had only to choose one.

He stated that this is the most important area for emission reduction. He added, “I would love to be in a position to do the other pieces.”
Learn more about the possibilities.

Funds spent on highways could increase emissions

The recently passed bipartisan bill on infrastructure could increase carbon dioxide emissions from transportation. According to researchFrom the nonpartisan Georgetown Climate Institute.

The $1 trillion package has been hailed as a major step towards decarbonization of transportation. However, the research found that it could only do that if it prioritizes electrification over road maintenance. A plan that builds new roads and adds lanes to existing roads could lead to induced demand. In other words, more people would drive on those roads, increasing emissions.

The numbers: The bill allocates just over $600 billion to surface transportation spending. However, individual states would be able to choose the specific uses. Georgetown researchers created two scenarios based on this flexibility. The higher-emission scenario sees 27 percent of surface transportation money going to expanding highways, while 23 percent goes to maintenance.

Alternate low-emissions scenarios, however, spend 38 percent on maintenance and only 4 percent on highway construction.

According to research, either scenario could alter the baseline trajectory of emissions in either way. The high-emission scenario could see emissions rise by as much as 1.6 percent from the baseline, while they could fall by as much 1.6 percent in the low-emission scenario over the next five-years. This is roughly equivalent to 4.5 millions passenger vehicles annually emitting emissions.

Learn more about the research process here.

EPA reverses state’s control of tribal issues

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Wednesday’s proposal to withdraw a Trump-era rule giving Oklahoma jurisdiction over certain environmental problems on tribal lands, was made by the EPA.

The EPA granted the request by the state for such jurisdiction in October 2005 under a carve-out of a 2005 law. This law grants the state environmental oversight in areas of the state that are located in Indian country. There was no further demonstration of authority from the state.

Gov. Kevin Stitt(R) made the request shortly following the Supreme Courts Oklahoma decision McGirt, in which the high-court ruled 5-4 that most of eastern Oklahoma was legal territory of the Muscogee Nation reservation.

In a statement, the EPA stated that it had consulted extensively with representatives of 38 tribes from the Sooner States. It also held meetings between eight tribes and agency leadership. The agency criticized Trump-era leadership for a brief consultation that only lasted less than a month.

The EPA will receive comments from stakeholders about the proposal until Jan. 31, with states retaining the authority granted by 2020.

Today’s action reflects our careful consideration of their concerns, and our commitment to ensuring robust consult on all policy decisions affecting Tribal nations. Assistant Administrator for International & Tribal Affairs Jane Nishida stated in a statement. EPA thanks Oklahoma Tribes for their invaluable input this year and looks forwards to continuing dialogue to develop an effective and sustainable framework for environmental protection in Indian country.

Learn more about the proposal.



Let’s not forget something fun and offbeat. Good girl.

That’s all for today. Thank you for reading. Check out The Hills Energy & Environment PageFor the most recent news and coverage. We hope to see you again tomorrow.

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