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Advocates for safer foam are backed by firefighters and environmentalists.
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Advocates for safer foam are backed by firefighters and environmentalists.

Firefighters from several departments were called in August, 2016, to put out a massive fire that destroyed a Dundee Township barn.
Firefighters from several departments were called in August, 2016, to put out a massive fire that destroyed a Dundee Township barn.PIN IT

Since 2019, the year Monroe County firefighters discontinued using it, Michigan has disposed more than 50,000 gals of potentially hazardous firefighting spray foam.

Environmental advocates and firefighters agree that it isn’t enough.

The foam to be removed contains PFAS. PFAS is an acronym for perfluoroalkyl-polyfluoroalkyl substance. Scientists now know that these chemicals can have harmful effects on people and the planet. Michigan is working to reduce their use.

Monroe Township Fire Chief Mark Cherney stated that his unit and other Monroe County Fire Departments have stopped using PFAS foams since 2019.

Cherney announced Monday that “We’re getting rid ours.” “We still have six buckets and are waiting for the state’s pickup so they can dispose off it. We have been waiting over a year. They must have a backlog.

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