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Thailand allows tourists to return to the beach made famous in the movie “The Beach.”
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Thailand allows tourists to return to the beach made famous in the movie “The Beach.”

Thailand has reopened Maya Bay. This white sand beach was made famous by the 2000 film, “The Beach”. The closure took place more than three years ago to allow the ecosystem to recover the effects of thousands of tourists each day. The beach is located on the island Phi Phi Leh, in the Andaman Sea. It is accessible only by boat from nearby islands such as Phi Phi and Krabi.

In 2018, Maya Bay was closed to the public. Authorities claimed that constant tourist activity had caused damage to coral reefs and beaches. Some visitors have been allowed back since the beginning of this year. Yuthasak Supasorn (the governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand) told Reuters that the sharks have returned, coral reefs are regrowing and the water is now clear again.

These things are proof that nature can heal itself if we give it the time it needs. We have to work hard to make sure it does. Authorities have restricted the number of visitors to the bay to 375 at a time. Swimming is prohibited. To protect coral reefs from being damaged, boats will not be allowed to dock at the bay’s back, they stated.

Prior to the coronavirus epidemic, Thailand’s tourism industry accounted for approximately 12% of its economy. It was a key driver of economic growth and attracted 40 million tourists in 2019. However, mass tourism has often brought about a decline in the environment in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries. Once-pristine beaches have become polluted and littered with garbage.

Manuele Panin (a 40-year old tourist from Italy) said that Maya Bay is beautiful and a magnificent place. “I think it’s fine that it’s been closed all these years to protect the environment and allow it to recover and restore.”

(This story was not edited by Devdiscourse staff. It is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.

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