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After Poots announces that an English office will be expanding its remit into Northern Ireland, Greens call for an independent environmental agency in NI
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After Poots announces that an English office will be expanding its remit into Northern Ireland, Greens call for an independent environmental agency in NI

Following the announcement by Agriculture Ministers that England’s Office for Environmental Protection (OEP), will be extended to include Northern Ireland, the Green Party has called for an independent Environmental Protection Agency.

Monday’s announcement by Edwin Poots (both the minister for agriculture, and the minister for the environment), included additional legislative provisions for NI related to the UK Environment Act for Northern Ireland.

He stated that key elements include the statutory duties of his department to publish an Environmental Improvement Plan, issue a policy statement about environmental principles, as well as the ability for the OEP to perform duties in NI.

Claire Bailey, Greens leader, said that she is most concerned about the latter.

According to her, it is still unclear how the OEP will work in Northern Ireland and how efficient it will be, she said to the Belfast Telegraph.

The OEP was legalized in November 2021. It will operate as an independent environmental oversight agency across England and Northern Ireland.

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs released a statement stating that the new body was created to hold public authorities accountable for the implementation of environmental law.

Its Northern Ireland functions also include the review of environmental improvement plans, environmental law, advising departments and enforcement against violations of environmental laws.

Ms Bailey said that Northern Ireland has been without the oversight of EU Commission since Brexit. Although the OEP doesn’t replace the European Commission in all its functions, such as the power of imposing fines, it does play a crucial oversight role and oversight of Northern Irelands environmental performance.

We have a zero Environment Strategy, no Waste Strategy, and no Ammonia Strategy. The south Belfast MLA has also been added.

Despite the fact that Northern Ireland’s polluted air causes hundreds of premature deaths each year, we have no Clean Air Strategy. Northern Ireland is the twelveth worst region for biodiversity loss in the world. All of our waterways fail basic good standards. We need an independent Environmental Protection Agency for Northern Ireland.

Minister Poots is responsible for overseeing a crisis in public health and the environment. His department and NI Environment Agency have serious questions about how Northern Ireland’s pollution has gotten so bad.

Northern Ireland urgently requires an Environment Act that reflects its unique environment and geographic context. It also includes legal obligations on Departments to reach targets. We should not hide behind separate targets. The overarching goal should be net-zero. Once we have that in place, we can start to build a sustainable future.

Mr Poot and his Department were further contacted to respond to Ms Bailey’s comments. However, speaking to the Belfast Telegraph, minister Poot had previously stated that he has taken steps in order to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture.

He cited the introduction low emission slurry spreading machines, which will reduce ammonia release by around 25%. Funding for soil analysis to determine the soil’s nutrient contents, which will allow farmers to apply only the nutrients they need.

The DUP south Belfast Assembly candidate admitted that legislation is slow to move through Stormont but said that his department has developed a lot of strategies, action plans, and other strategies that will have a significant benefit to the environment.

Mr Poots would like to have presented a clear strategy for Northern Ireland on the topic of air pollution and its effect on public health during this Assembly mandate. The next DAERA minister will be faced with a series of recommendations.

On Monday, Mr Poots announced the new legal framework. He stated: These measures will not just enhance existing environmental protections, but will also create mechanisms that will benefit future generation through a cleaner and healthier Northern Ireland.

My Department is committed to protecting and improving the environment. I am happy to introduce these provisions to help protect our planet. These provisions will allow Northern Ireland to continue to play its role in the wider climate change and environment agendas. To ensure good environmental governance, the OEP provides independent advice.

Chair of the OEP, Dame Glenys Stacey said: This is a significant step towards environmental protection and improvement, and a welcome responsibility for the OEP.

We are excited to get on with the job, and we believe we can make a positive impact on Northern Ireland’s environment and its people.

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