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Another Nail in Coal’s Coffin: Environment
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Another Nail in Coal’s Coffin: Environment

Another Nail In Coal's Coffin - Environment

United States

Another Nail in Coal’s Coffin

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It may not be news at the moment, but
This week: earlier Ameren Missouri announcedIt would close
Rush Island Energy Center generating station was installed earlier than expected.
Install flue gas desulfurization technology.
Response to an injunction after the District Court found
The Clean Air Act had been violated by Rush Island’s facility. As
Ameren stated in the Court’s filing:

1143762a.jpgPIN IT

Rush Island will be a better place if you retire early.
Installing can have a much shorter impact on the environment.
wet fluegas desulfurization (“FGD”) technology
Continuation of operations

Ameren stated that the switch should not be flipped.
simple matter.” Permission from the Midcontinent is required for Ameren
Independent System Operator and reliability issues
The shutdown was also associated with it. Ameren, however, has indicated that it
The court order will direct that the court closes the facility no later than the specified date
Rush Island FGD Installation

It is worth noting, that aside from its discussion concerning
Negotiations with MISO, Ameren’s brief to support its
A new position could almost have been written by Sierra Club
EPA. St. Louis’s coal-fired generation must be shut down
Missouri, is now mom and apple cake. My memory may not be as accurate as it seems
It used to be. But I seem to remember that it wasn’t that long ago.
The “war on coal” was an attack against Western civilization

This coal is being emitted with little more than a whimper
I hope that there will be opposition to climate change mitigation measures
It is also possible for things to fade faster than you think.

View Foley Hoag’s Law and the Environment Blog
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This article is intended as a general overview.
guide to the subject matter It is a good idea to seek specialist advice
Learn more about your particular circumstances.


Steve Martin might have some words to say about PFAS


All the pressure Congress is putting on the Executive Branch, Federal Government, when it comes to the PFAS recalls a great line by one the great comics my youth.

The Best Science Available Only Takes You So Far


It’s been a busy few months in the world Waters of America. I am grateful for the feedback I have received on my blogs regarding the proposed Water of the United States rule of the Biden Administration.

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