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Are You Feeling the Effects of a Toxic Environment
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Are You Feeling the Effects of a Toxic Environment

Are You Feeling the Impact of a Toxic Environment?

You can reduce toxic overload by being aware of your surroundings if you are showing signs of toxicology.

Many of us feel that the pandemic has caused increased stress, unhealthy eating habits, and poor decisions regarding our health. These are all signs of toxicity.

  • Skin reactions and skin changes like eczema, acne, wrinkly skin, and eczema can cause skin allergies.
  • Digestive issues, sluggishness, gas, bloating
  • Fatigue, low moods, mind fog, or forgetfulness
  • Weight gain
  • Stress, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping
  • Hormone imbalances

There are simple things you can do to reduce the toxic load on your body if you notice signs of toxicity. Every day we are exposed to toxic substances from the foods and drinks we eat, as well as the chemicals in our environment. It is possible to reduce the liver’s burden and help with the symptoms.

  1. Take control of your environment and eliminate things that can cause hormone disruption or inflammation.
  2. A cleaner, whole-foods diet is recommended.
  3. Regular exercise: Three to seven times per week
  4. Spend more time doing the things you love.
  5. Spend some time connecting with nature.
  6. To avoid detoxing too quickly, consider doing a liver cleansing under the supervision of a physician.
  7. To help eliminate heavy metals and toxins through sweating, spend some time in a sauna

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDRs)

Many hormone-disrupting chemicals can alter or mimic hormone activity. They are known as endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDRs). They are responsible for obesity, diabetes and other health issues such as inflammation, thyroid problems, male and female reproductive infertility or cancers, and weight gain. EDRs can be found in household chemicals, personal care products, and foods.

Here are the top EDRs that can disrupt your environment, and how to avoid them.

The following are the top EDRs:

  1. Pesticides
  2. BPA and BPS Bisphenols
  3. Phthalates
  4. Personal products
  5. Air pollutants
  6. Mold Exposure


Pesticides can also be found on vegetables, fruits, and herbs. It is important that you eat organic as much possible, especially since the dirty dozen lists the top 12 commercially-available fruits and vegetables laced heavy pesticides.

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale
  4. Nectarines
  5. Apples
  6. Grapes
  7. Peaches
  8. Cherries
  9. Pears
  10. Tomatoes
  11. Celery
  12. Potatoes

Sweet corn, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, alfalfa and apples are the most commonly genetically modified foods. Choose organic.


Bisphenols can be found in plastics, water bottles and plastic food wrap.

How to avoid BPA/BPS

Avoid wrapping food in plastics. BPA is released when food is heated in plastic. Storing fatty foods inside plastic containers can cause more BPA to leach into food. Fast food is also bad because of this. Fast food containers are lined with plastic, and fast food is high-fat. This increases BPA exposure.

Avoid buying food wrapped in plastic.

For reheating and storing food, you can use glass or stainless steel containers. Drink water from a glass, stainless steel or stainless steel container.

Do not keep receipts. Receipt handling can increase BPA exposure.

Tetra Paks, BPA free cans and glass are good options. BPA and epoxy are used as liners in aluminum cans.


Phthalates are commonly found in flexible plastics.

To avoid phthalates, avoid exposure for two days by reading labels and avoiding contact. Use an air purifier at home. Eliminate dust. To help eliminate phthalates from the liver and kidneys, eat more cabbage, broccoli, and kale.

Look at the labels on personal products

The daily products you apply to your skin absorb many chemicals. The skin is your largest organ. It protects you from harm. To be aware of what you’re putting on your skin, hair, and home, and what you use to clean it, read labels.

The following ingredients are toxic to household/personal products:

  • Triclosan is an antibacterial agent that disrupts hormones. It can be found in toothpaste and soaps.
  • Sodium lauryl Sulfate can cause skin irritation, cancer, and neurotoxicity.
  • Antifreeze is a source of propylene glycol and is an irritation to the skin.
  • Parabens mimic estrogen, and are absorbed through skin.
  • Oxybenzone can be found in sunscreens and cosmetics. It mimics and disrupts hormones and can cause cancer and endometriosis.
  • Formaldehyde, a preservative that is used for embalming, can be found in the following: It can irritate the GI tract, lungs, and skin.
  • Toluene can cause irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract.
  • Fragrance conceals hundreds of chemical combinations that companies are not required report.

Air Pollutants

Vehicle exhaust, cigarette smoke, and flame retardants are some of the most harmful substances in the air. They have been linked with strokes, cardiovascular disease, neurological problems and dementia, infertility and birth defects, lowered cognitions, obesity, diabetes, and other health problems.

It is best to limit your exposure to car exhaust, cigarette smoke, and flame retardants. Household air purifiers can reduce your exposure to dust and other air pollutants.

Mold Exposure

Many people are exposed. Mold exposure can lead to some undiagnosed illnesses, especially if the home has suffered from water damage, moldy odors, condensation, or poor ventilation. Most common symptoms include asthma, cough, tightness in the chest, joint pain, fatigue and chronic sinus issues. Although air purifiers can be helpful, it is important to treat the mold.

You can improve your energy, vitality and mood, as well as your skin, digestion, sleep, and overall health by becoming more aware of toxic substances and how to avoid them.

A physician-monitored liver cleansing program might be the best option for you if your goal is to improve hormone balance and reduce congestion from environmental toxins. FBN


Dr. Christina Kovalik NMD LAc, The Vitality doctor, is a naturopathic physician, acupuncturist, and naturopath who specializes in hormone optimization, optimal health, and vitality. She is a Flagstaff resident and has been practicing since 2004. In 2020, she opened her second location in Doney Park. For more information, visit thevitalitydoctor.comCall 928-863-6086.

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