The EEA briefingEurope’s groundwater is a crucial resource under pressureThis is a brief overview of the State of groundwaterin the European Union (EU). The briefing was published on the World Water Day 2022 with the theme Groundwater: Making the invisible visible.
Groundwater supplies in the EU account for 65% Drinking water25% water and 25% of it for agricultural irrigation. According to the EEA’s latest data, 25% of the EU’s groundwater body area is in poor chemical and 9% are in poor quantitative. According to the EEA briefing, 29% of EU’s groundwater body area has insufficient capacity to meet the needs both of people and ecosystems.
The main reason groundwater in the EU has a poor chemical status is Diffuse pollution from agricultureMost commonly, pesticides and nitrates. Poor quantitative status is mainly caused by Excessive abstractionIrrigation, especially in southern Europe. Over-abstraction from coastal freshwater aquifers could also result in Saline intrusionThe EEA briefing warns that seawater can make groundwater unusable over decades or increase treatment costs. These problems will be worsened by climate change as Europe’s irrigation demand increases.
The European Green Deal reaffirmed the need for sustainable water management. Combat chemical pollution and water stressTo ensure adequate, high-quality water for the people and the environment. According to the EEA briefing reducing the pressures on agriculture and public water supply is key. However, new approaches are needed including information technology, financing, as well as the development of new technologies. Enforcement of circularityGroundwater use