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Sam Rockwell
To combat climate change, public transit usage must double within the next decade. It will be difficult for the Twin Cities to achieve this.

[ad_1] When COP26The big global climate change summit,, concluded a few weeks back. It threw…

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[ad_1] NPR’s sites use cookies, similar tracking and storage technologies, and information about the device…

🎧 Climate in Crisis: Can renewable energy stem the climate change tide?
🎧Climate Crisis: Can renewable energies stem climate change?

[ad_1] A comprehensive look at the state of renewable energy within the Pacific Northwest by:…

Climate crisis' threat level is terrifying
The climate crisis’ threat level has reached terrifying levels

[ad_1] The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal founded in 1823 by Thomas Wakley…

Connecting youth, the climate crisis and water
Connecting youth, climate crisis and water

[ad_1] Submitted by Living Lakes Canada, Wildsight Youth Climate Corps members attach chicken wire and…

The Soil Health Institute Logo
Regenerative Cotton Fund in the USA Recognized by Climate-smart Agriculture

[ad_1] Published 6 hours ago Submitted by The Soil Health Institute MORRISVILLE, N.C., December 2,…

Albanese to come clean on emissions targets, but a carbon price is still hush-hush
Albanese to be transparent about emissions targets, but a carbon-price is still hushhush.

[ad_1] The Australian Labor Party will announce its target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions today.…

combating the climate crisis through food – Palatinate
combating the climate crisis through food – Palatinate

[ad_1] By Carrie Sear You may be wondering what personal changes you could make to…

Portrait of formally dressed woman
What are the benefits of open access to Australian research? Climate action is a good place to start

[ad_1] The COP26 meeting has sharpened the world’s focus on climate change. To adapt and…

Watch: The stirring track by the Scottish alt-rock band, highlights climate crisis and disappearing seabirds

[ad_1] Wildlife on the Rocks is a collaboration of the Scottish Wildlife Trust conservation charity,…