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Averda launches used oil for cooking and environment services to support renewable fuels initiative in the UAE
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Averda launches used oil for cooking and environment services to support renewable fuels initiative in the UAE

Dubai. Dubai-based Averda is launching its new UCO service in the UAE. It will help improve local waste management as well as reduce carbon emissions due to road transport. Averda’s UCO is one of several sustainable services that it has launched. These services are part of its recent three-year corporate strategy Renew. It focuses on addressing the urgent climate crisis and unlocking value from waste.

Averda will now be able to collect 10 million litres UCO annually from UAE customers. Averda will initially focus on the hospitality, catering and restaurant industries. Averda will also collaborate with developers and municipalities to implement residential collection programs. The UCO will be processed to make sustainable biodiesel that can be mixed with regular diesel for haulage companies. This will significantly reduce their carbon emissions.

Averda is working closely with its private clients, especially those in the hospitality sector – which include some of the UAEs most prestigious hotels and restaurants – to provide a range of environmentally-friendly services. Averdas clients will be able to improve their environmental credentials by better waste management, increasing recycling, and diverting waste from landfill. This will help them achieve their net zero carbon goals.

Averda will provide clients with custom oil containers at no cost and a schedule of regular collections. A customer service line is available 24/7. Averda will also provide each client with recycling analysis reports that detail the carbon savings achieved.

Biodiesel is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to petroleum and other fossil fuels. It is made from cooking oil. Blended biodiesel does not require engine modifications and accounts for 24% of global CO2 emission. Reusing cooking oils can reduce the use of fossil fuels and limit greenhouse gas emissions. This encourages commercial kitchens to use proper disposal practices and avoids oil contamination of the wastewater infrastructure.

Jobin Solomon, Head, Biofuels Project development, said: Increasing the production and use of greener, more sustainable fuels is a key component in the global effort against climate change. Averda is delighted to announce its renewable fuels programme. This will help to contribute to a global effort that has unilateral government support. Averdas future strategy focuses on improving the circularity of waste. This initiative is only one of many.

About Averda
Averda is a leading waste management company in the emerging world. It operates in India, the Middle East, and Africa. The company provides a wide and specialized range of services to over 55,000 clients, both large and small, from the private and public sector. These include major cities’ municipal authorities and household names in a wide variety of sectors, including oil & Gas, automotive, retail, and hospitality.

Averda, which was founded in 1964, is based in Dubai. They are committed to providing sustainable solutions that extract value out of waste, reduce the use of natural resources, and drive the circular economy. The company’s services include collecting trash and cleaning streets, sorting, composting and disposing of household waste, as well as safe management of highly-regulated hazardous waste streams, including dangerous chemicals and medical waste. Recent investments have increased the company’s waste treatment capabilities. The goal is to provide circular recovery options on all markets.

The company employs over 15,000 people in the world and helps to provide stable employment for the communities it serves. The company’s top priority is protecting the environment and human health. It operates in complete compliance with international standards for quality assurance wherever it operates.

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