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BioMar increases sustainability in Ecuador shrimp farming
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BioMar increases sustainability in Ecuador shrimp farming

The collaboration will not only provide deforestation-free aquafeeds; it will also include capacity building initiatives to promote social change and sustainability within the region.

Florie Hovine, member manager, attended the Global Seafood Expo in Barcelona last week. Earthworm FoundationThey have announced that they have partnered up with BioMarTo launch a responsible shrimp program that will encourage good farming practices and social responsibilities.

Hovine said in a press statement that shrimp farming has a unique environmental impact and that there is an opportunity for Ecuadorian shrimp growers to collaborate to improve their environmental practices and social practices.

BioMar and Earthworm Foundation have been working together to assess the Ecuadorian shrimp sector in order to create a framework for solving the major problems. The project used a holistic approach and examined everything, from the sourcing of raw materials to production and processing of shrimp. This includes raising awareness and training employees in global best practices that go above standard certification schemes.

The BioMar Earthworm Foundation project will also provide support for educational programs that aim at preparing local people to become qualified to farm shrimp. The expected growth of Ecuadorian shrimp industry will be a benefit to local communities.

We must consider the environmental impact of expanding any market. BioMar’s Henrik Aarestrup said that we have partnered with an internationally respected and knowledgeable organization that specialises in social-environmental initiatives such as Earthworm Foundation to ensure that Ecuadorian shrimp production continues in the right direction.

Shrimp are considered a commodity product. They are often farmed and processed in bulk. BioMar says that the Earthworm Foundation project offers a way to move the market beyond commodity thinking and create fully traceable, high-value products that are both sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Aquaculture is a growing source of safe, nutritious and sustainable seafood for people all over the world. To meet the rising demand, aquaculture production globally must double by 2030. This increased demand for aquaculture products, food security considerations and job creation has led to a greater need for skilled workers.

Learn how you can become a part of this rapidly growing industry.

Today’s seafood-conscious consumers are more aware of where their seafood comes from and how it affects the environment. They want to know the origin of their seafood and the effects it has on the environment and local communities. Aarestrup concluded, “Both our organizations can cater to the consumer’s needs through this BioMar Earthworm Foundation project.”

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