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California accuses ExxonMobil Of Deceiving Public on Plastics Hazards | Plastics
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California accuses ExxonMobil Of Deceiving Public on Plastics Hazards | Plastics

California’s attorney general has subpoenaed ExxonMobil in an investigation he described as a first-of its-kind, broader investigation into the petroleum sector for its alleged role causing a global plastic pollution crisis. The allegations were dismissed by the company as untrue.

On Thursday, Rob Bonta, the Attorney General, stated that the industry has for decades encouraged the use of petroleum-based plastics products. He also sought to minimize public awareness that their widespread use is harmful to the environment and health.

He said that every week we consume the equivalent of a credit card’s worth of plastic through the water, food, and air we breathe. This is according to a 2019 study by the World Wide Fund for Nature environmental group.

Bonta will examine whether petrochemical companies, with their ongoing and historic efforts to deceive public, violated the law. Bonta stated that ExxonMobil was subpoenaed for being a significant source global plastics pollution, and for its alleged prominent role regarding public deception about plastics.

ExxonMobil released a statement saying that it is focused only on solutions. Meritless allegations such as these distract from the important collaborative effort that is underway with governments around world, including California.

The company claimed that it is the first to commercially scale advanced recycling technology in a large facility. This technology can convert used plastic into material that can then be used to make new plastic.

The American Chemistry Council, which represents plastics manufacturers, issued a statement stating that US plastics makers are committed towards a more sustainable future. They have proposed bold and comprehensive actions at the state and federal levels.

The industry group supports initiatives such as requiring plastic packaging in the US to contain at least 30% recycled plastic by 2030, making packaging producers responsible for recycling and supporting a legally binding international agreement to address the problem.

Bonta claimed that the plastics industry appears to have engaged greenwashing for decades, leading consumers into believing that plastics are eco-friendly and can be easily recycled.

He stated that the marketing effort made it easier for people to eat more and buy more plastic. That is what we were going after.

Bonta stated that companies may have violated laws against unfair competition, deceptive business practices or making greenwashing illegal.

Bonta stated that while civil lawsuits could be brought against companies for damages or fines in the event of a verdict, his main goal was to get a legal order or settlement which requires them to clean up their plastic waste, make changes to plastics manufacturing, and talk about plastics in a non-deceptive way.

Bonta said that they were really examining the underlying issue of plastics’ non-recyclability. We were also investigating whether that was fuelled by decades-old deception.

Bonta stated that although there is no timetable for the completion, the investigation is proceeding with an urgency.

Bontas move is in line with growing awareness about the pervasiveness, and the role of microplastics in the food chain, of discarded plastics.

Scientists are still trying to determine the extent of human harm caused by tiny pieces of plastic broken down, some so small that they are not visible to the naked eyes.

The National Academy of Sciences urged the United States to reduce its plastics production in December because so much ends up in the oceans and other waters.

The scientists agree with Bonta and say that recycling won’t solve the problem. Bonta said that most plastic cannot be recycled and that overall recycling rates have never exceeded 9.9%. The rest is incinerated, disposed of in landfills or released into the environment.
California is one of the states that has struggled to encourage recycling in spite of market headwinds, and to identify products that can be reused easily.

California banned single-use plastic bags. They also discourage the use of plastic utensils, straws, and condiment packages.

Los Angeles City Council approved 14 measures this week to restrict the use of plastic bags and containers at city events and properties. Los Angeles county supervisors last Wednesday restricted single-use plastic items.

California spends approximately $500m annually to clean up plastic pollution along beaches and waterways, according to Bonta, a Democrat running for reelection. He announced the investigation against an ocean backdrop at Dockweiler state beaches in southern California.

He said that petrochemical companies have increased plastics production in response to the gradual replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy. In the 1950s, 1.5m tons of plastic was produced annually worldwide. The annual production is now greater than 300 million tons.

Bontas’ investigation was a crucial step, according to the Center for Biological Diversity. However, plastic and its manufacture are ultimately incompatible for a healthy planet.
The group stated in a statement that they must stop producing plastic junk.

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