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CAPA 17-Mar-2022: Aviation Sustainability and Environment
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CAPA 17-Mar-2022: Aviation Sustainability and Environment

Finnair launched (16-Mar-2022) a CO2 offsetting service for passengers with CHOOOSE on 16-Mar-2022.

The platform allows passengers to calculate and offset their flight emissions using a combination sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), and certified offset projects.

Due to Finnish legislation, the carrier’s previous offsetting service was terminated in Mar-2020. Companies can now offer CO2 offsetting services. [more – original PR]

Original report: Finnair continues its journey towards carbon neutrality and invites customers to offset their flight emissions

Finnair invites customers to offset their emissions starting March 16, 2022 with a service that combines Sustainable Aviation Fuel with trusted climate projects.  

Finnair customers can now calculate their flight emissions using the platform powered by Chooose. They can also seamlessly offset their journey with a mix of sustainable aviationfuels (SAF), or certified offset projects. Pricing depends on how the contributions are split between the two.  

Finnair and our customers both want to reduce the carbon footprint of air travel. We want to make this easy and transparent, says Eveliina Hauerre, SVP Sustainability, Finnair. Our service combines SAF offsets and SAF. Both are important tools in reaching carbon neutrality.  

It is still difficult to increase the use of sustainable aviation fuels in commercial aviation due to their high cost and limited availability. Therefore, it is important to stimulate demand and supply to lower the price of SAF as well as increase its availability. To achieve carbon neutrality in aviation, offsets remain crucial. Trustworthy offset projects that can prove their emission reductions are required.   

Finnair’s offsetting service was terminated in March 2020 due to Finnish law, which has since been amended to allow companies to offer CO2 offset services to consumers.  

Finnair has set a goal to reduce its carbon emissions by half by 2025 and reach carbon neutrality in 2045. They are using the same toolkit as before the pandemic. The focus is on reducing aircraft weight, fuel efficiency, and using sustainable aviation fuels and offsets. 

Deutsche Aircraft signed (14-Mar-2022) a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with North Energy Cluster (NEC) stating their common goal to develop solutions that will accelerate the availability of climate neutral aviation technologies.

The partners will work together to reduce the severity of the northern heatwave in the short-term. NorwayLow carbon eFuels reduces the impact of aviation on the climate.

The partners also agreed to find solutions to achieve zero climate impacts in the medium term.

Northern Norway was identified by the partnership as the ideal test ground for climate neutral aviation concepts. This is due to its 26 regional airports that are critical infrastructure and the abundance of low-cost renewable energy in the region.

Initial plans for the initiative were to produce eFuels from industrial CO2 point sources. This will be replaced by direct air capture using renewable energy later to reduce lifecycle emissions.

NEC will also work with Lofoten on the ‘Green Islands” project, which aims at promoting sustainable tourism in the region.

Short haul routes in Lofoten, Norway, will be among the first to use alternative fuels.

Volker Thum, CEO of German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI), said that combining Deutsche Aircraft’s D328eco efficiency and a 100% SAF ability is the best way to bring a greener aircraft to the market in the shortest amount of time. [more – original PR]

Original report: German-Norwegian cooperation pioneering regional Norwegian aviation to transition to climate neutrality

German aircraft manufacturer Deutsche Aircraft (DA), along with the North Energy Cluster of Northern Norway (NEC), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This MoU outlines their common goal of developing solutions that will increase the availability of climate-neutral air technology. The two partners will work together to reduce Northern Norway’s aviation carbon footprint by using low-carbon fuels. In the long-term, the partners will work together to create solutions that achieve zero climate impact.

The Key Facts

    Norwegian energy cluster disposes of abundant, low-cost renewable energy and the necessary infrastructure to ramp up production of low-carbon e-fuels

    Deutsche Aircraft as a German turboprop aircraft manufacturer is on the forefront of developing a 100% e-fuel compatible aircraft

    The cooperation lays the ground for eliminating aviations climate impact, aviation being an essential infrastructure for Northern Norway

MartinNeler is Chief Technology Officer of DA.

    This partnership brings us a big stepcloser to climate-neutral flight.

AndersTrud is the Cluster Manager at NEC

    We have the best possible ecosystem in NorthernNorway to make low carbon e-fuels a reality

VolkerThum, Chief Executive Officer at the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI):

    “Green flying is the future and it has already begun.

Munich-based DA is creating a low-emission regional plane based on the Dornier Do328 platform, which is well-known to regional air travelers around the world. With its state-of the-art technologies, and compatibility with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), the D328eco will achieve carbon-neutral flight below 50 seats. DA is also researching alternative propulsion technologies based in hydrogen for future programs.

The North Energy Cluster/Energi i Nord consists industrial players such as major hydropower and wind producers, technology suppliers as well as local communities that are determined take the lead in energy transition in various sectors, including aviation.

Northern Norway is a remote and vast territory. Its 26 regional airports make it a vital infrastructure hub, more than anywhere else in Europe. It is home to a lot of low-cost renewable energy, which is essential for e-fuel production. This makes it an ideal place to test new concepts in climate-neutral aviation. The initiative aims to produce efuels using industrial CO2 point source as a first step. It will then be replaced by direct air capture powered with abundant renewable energy to minimize lifecycle emission.

The partnership will allow Northern Norway to become a leader in the massive aviation transformation. It will conduct test flights and study ground infrastructure requirements for the production e-fuels. The cluster will also cooperate with the Lofoten Project The green Islands, which is an ambitious roadmap to bring sustainable tourist to one of Norway’s most scenic and unspoiled regions. In this context, the first routes using alternative fuels will be the Lofoten Archipelago’s short-haul flights.


Anders Trud, NEC Cluster Manager:

    E-fuels and hydrogen produced from renewable energies remain the most promising scalable solutions to significantly reduce emissions in one of the most hard-to-abate sectors such as aviation. The key to making it happen is to lower production costs at scale, and Northern Norway has the right ecosystem to do that.

Martin Nuesseler is Chief Technology Officer at DA:

    A significant factor for the environmental performance of the next generation of aircraft is how fuels are produced. Deutsche Aircraft’s ambition is to combine aircraft operation with fuel production to achieve the best possible environment. The challenge with e-fuels is their energy-intensive production process. You need to go where there is abundant renewable energy. Regional aviation is a vital part of the economic life of Northern Norway. It also brings great societal benefits. We want you to demonstrate that you can do this without causing any harm to our environment.

    Combining the modern turboprop D328eco efficiency with a 100% SAF capability represents the best way to update the market with a green aircraft in the shortest time possible.

Volker Thum is Chief Executive Officer of German Aerospace Industries Association.

    “Green flying is the future and it has already begun. This is also evident in the cooperation between Deutsche Aircraft and Energi i Nord. The introduction and use of long-term hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuels can significantly contribute to the realization of climate neutral flight. ILA Berlin will focus on the transformation of civil aviation towards climate neutrality. In this context, sustainable aviation fuels are essential. This industry’s leading trade show on sustainability, new technology and innovation will be held from 22 to 26 June 2022.

Pratt & Whitney tests GTF-Avantage engine with 100% sustainable aviation gasoline

Pratt & Whitney tested (15-Mar-2022) its ‘GTF Advantage’ engine configuration with 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

Part of the GTF Advantage’s development program, the test validates the engine’s performance using 100% SAF in thrust transients and starting.

Pratt & Whitney used World Energy’s fuel for the test. [more – original PR]

Original report: Pratt & Whitney Successfully tests GTF Advantage Engine for 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Pratt & Whitney announced today that the GTF Advantage engine configuration was successfully tested with 100 percent sustainable aircraft fuel (SAF). The test was conducted at the company’s West Palm Beach facility, Florida, USA, and began on March 1. It marks a significant step towards 100 percent SAF operation for GTF-powered aircraft. The test is also an important part of a large development program to prepare GTF Advantage for entry in service in 2024. This includes validating the engines performance at 100 percent SAF in thrust, transients, starting, and operability.

Graham Webb (chief sustainability officer at Pratt & Whitney) said that the GTF Advantage engine was successfully tested on unblended SAF. The GTF Advantage engine is the most environmentally friendly and low-emission in the industry. It is now fully operational and ready to use the greenest aviation fuels. The industry’s commitment to net zero carbon emission by 2050 is key to its operation on 100% SAF. These tests will help us get closer to that goal.

Pratt & Whitney have been involved in SAF testing for nearly two decades. They helped establish technical standards that allow engines to operate with SAF blends up to 50% with standard kerosene. Pratt & Whitney continues to work closely with ASTM International and the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative, in order to validate its engines for operation with 100 percent SAF.

The challenge of decarbonizing aviation is central to achieving the industry’s net zero goal. Pratt & Whitney technical fellow for sustainable propellement, Sean Bradshaw, stated that the GTF Advantage engine will be certified on 100 percent SAF. This will ensure that it can provide sustainable propulsion to customers over many decades. We will continue to work with the industry to create a viable path for SAF production, development, and distribution.

Pratt & Whitney used 100% Hydroprocessed Esters & Fat Acids Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosine (HEFA–SPK) fuel obtained from World Energy. HEFA-SPK, a hydrotreated vegetable oil fuel for aviation, is a preferred alternative to conventional jet fuel. It is sustainable and is recommended by CAAFI as a top choice.

GTF is the world’s most efficient single-aisle engine. GTF engines have reduced fuel consumption and carbon emission by up to 20% compared to previous-generation engines. GTF engines have saved more 600 million gallons (2 billion liters) and more 6 million metric tonnes (or more than 600 million tons) of fuel since they entered service in 2016. GTF engines’ revolutionary geared fan architecture is the foundation of more sustainable aviation technologies over the coming decades. Learn more at

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