Inform yourself about climate change, sustainable living, unusual animals, renewable energy and other environmental topics.

Villagers in the Demak district of Java, Indonesia help to maintain wooden sea walls.
Why are Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Problems Being Overlooked

The sea has invaded the northern shore of Java Island, Indonesia, in recent years. It…

Eco-Friendly Activities for Environmental Clubs
Eco-Friendly Activities for Environmental Clubs

It is a great way to start an environmental club or organization and create an…

Map of 2022 aerial survey observations of reef community coral bleaching throughout the Great Barrier Reef after the final heatwave from 12-23 March 2022
Great Barrier Reef| Great Barrier Reef

91% of the reefs that were surveyed along the coast were affected by coral bleaching…

Study points to ways of involving visually impaired people in environmental disaster prevention
Study reveals ways to involve visually impaired people in disaster prevention

Brazilian researchers have shown that inclusion is essential if disaster prevention policy is not to…

Conservationists sue EPA about Florida water quality and manatee death

TALLAHASSEE A second federal lawsuit has been filed by three conservation groups in Florida regarding…

The latest Honorary Fellows of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (clockwise, from top left): Lesley Lokko, Annie Flint, Jason Leitch, Daisy Narayanan, Ann Allen, and Christine Murray. Images courtesy RIAS.
News: This year’s RIAS Honorary Fellows take advocacy for the built world to new heights| News

Anchor The Royal Incorporation of Architects of Scotland’s Honorary Fellows are Lesley Lokko (clockwise, starting…

A police officer dissolves the glue on an Insulate Britain protesters hand during the demonstration outside parliament in 2021.
Environmental activism| Environmental activism

Environmental campaign groups have criticized the draconian. Protest crackdown billDuring the Queen’s speech The new…

Inflation, dollar hyperinflation with black background. One dollar bill is sprayed in the hand of a man on a black background.
Three tips for tech leaders dealing with an inflationary environment

It is difficult to lead in uncertain times. The current inflation rate is no exception.…

Solids buildup, with growing vegetation, in biological reactor. Back River Waste Water Treatment Plant, 3/22/22 inspection. (Maryland Department of the Environment)
Ben Grumbles, Maryland Environment Secretary, leaves under a cloud

Yesterday, Ben Grumbles, who was criticized for failing to address the pollution problems at Back…

What energy and environmental protection bills were passed by the state legislature?
What state legislatures have passed which energy and environmental protection laws?

To combat climate change, the Hawaii State legislature passed several energy and environmental bills. Image…