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Great Barrier Reef| Great Barrier Reef
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Great Barrier Reef| Great Barrier Reef

Map of 2022 aerial survey observations of reef community coral bleaching throughout the Great Barrier Reef after the final heatwave from 12-23 March 2022

91% of the reefs that were surveyed along the coast were affected by coral bleaching Great Barrier ReefAccording to a government scientist’s report, the natural landmark experienced its sixth mass bleaching event in record time.

The Reef snapshot: Summer 2021-22After weeks of delay, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority published a quietly released statement on Tuesday night that said that coral bleaching was occurring in the 2,300km reef network, particularly in the central region, between Cape Tribulation, and the Whitsundays.

According to a statement that was included with the report, coral bleaching was observed at multiple reefs across all regions. This is the fourth major bleaching event since 2016; it’s the sixth such event to occur on the Great Barrier Reef, since 1998.

It was the first mass bleaching incident recorded during a cooler La Nia years.

Scientists from the Australian Institute of Marine Science and the marine park authority surveyed 719 shallow-water reefs between Torres Strait (at the southern end of reef system) and the Capricorn Bunker Group (at the southern end). They mostly used helicopters. They found 654 coral reefs with some bleaching.

Map of 2022 aerial survey observations of reef community coral bleaching throughout the Great Barrier Reef after the final heatwave from 12-23 March 2022
Coral bleaching in 2022 affected more than 90% the reefs along Great Barrier Reef. Photograph: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

The report includes a map showing the extent of bleaching in the region that is most visited by tourists. The report stated that both offshore and inshore reefs were affected.

The report was not reviewed by scientists from the marine park authority on Tuesday night. Dr David Wachenfeld is the chief scientist of the authority. March: The GuardianIt was not expected that bleaching would occur in a La Nia.

He said that the climate is changing and that the planet and reef are about 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than they were 150 years ago. Weather is changing as a result. Unexpected events are now to come as no surprise. Nothing surprises me anymore.

Lissa Schindler is a campaign manager for the Australian Marine Conservation Society. She said that the report was devastating news to anyone who loves the reef. There should be more evidence that cutting fossil fuel emissions should also be a top priority for the next Australian government.

She stated that it was a La Nina year which is usually characterized by more cloud cover and rain. It should have been a welcome respite for our reef to help them recover, but the snapshot shows that more than 90% of the reefs surveyed showed some bleaching.

While bleaching is increasing in frequency, it is not normal. We should not accept that this is how things are. We need to change the norms that are damaging our reef.

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Schindler stated that, while Labor had committed to making greater emissions cuts by 2030 over the Coalition’s, neither party had any targets in line with what would have been needed to save the reef globally.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that limiting global heat to 1.5C rather then 2C would be the difference between some corals in tropical reefs and their death. Their complete decline. Climate Analytics reported that the Coalition’s 2030 emission reduction target was consistent. Heating with more than 3CLabors and the government are aiming for 2C.

Dr Simon Bradshaw, Climate Council’s director of research, stated that this is an issue that cannot easily be solved by big funding announcements. The science is clear: To save the world’s coral reefs from total destruction we must dramatically reduce our emissions by 2020.

Scientists were the first to recognize this. Alarm raised for the December bleaching eventWhen the ocean temperatures over the reef reached a record for that month,

When coral becomes stressed by high water temperatures, it is called bleaching. The coral animal expels the photosynthetic algae inside it and provides food for the coral and its colour.


Corals can survive bleaching events. Scientists plan on carrying out in-water inspections to see how many corals survived bleaching events.

Studies have shown that heat stress can have a number of sublethal effects upon corals. This includes making them more susceptible for disease, slowing down their growth, and limiting their ability spawn.

The mission of the United Nations in March visited the reef to assess its health and management. The surveys were discussed by scientists from Unesco as well as the International Union for Conservation of Nature. 10-day monitoring trip. Their report is due by the next world heritage meeting in June.

Last year, scientific advisers at Unesco recommended that the reef should be placed on a world heritage site in danger listDue to the impacts of the climate crises and slow progress on improving water quality. The Morrison government continued lobbying led the 21 country committee to reject that advice.

Following scientists and conservationists, the report and maps were released. Appelling the marine authority for their public disclosure. SBS reported that Paul Hardisty (chief executive of the Australian Marine Institute of Science) had told a meeting of staff that the Department of Prime Miner and Cabinet recommended that the survey results be released during the federal election campaign Would have violated caretaker conventions.

Conservationists also asked the government to release the State of the Environment Report, a five-year national assessment. Since December, Sussan Leey has been sitting with the environment minister..

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