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Champions of the earth: Kyrgystan’s environmental entrepreneur
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Champions of the earth: Kyrgystan’s environmental entrepreneur

Maria Kolesnikova was inspired to start an environmental movement by a picture of Bishkek, the capital of Krygyzstan. It was covered in a thick layer of polluted air. Her efforts have been recognized as she is the 2021 Champion of Earth for Entrepreneurial Vision.

Bishkek is home to approximately one million people and is one of the most polluted cities in the world.
Winter months are when it is often trapped beneath a dome of smog. This comes from the city’s natural environment which is 5C warmer than its surroundings on average, and from the smoke from the coal used to heat most homes.

Ms. Kolesnikova’s organization, MoveGreen was the first to measure the levels of toxic fine particles in Bishkeks’ air. The MoveGreen team relayed their message to the Bishkeks schoolchildren when the first measurements were back.

In schools, sensors were installed to measure the air quality. This allowed classrooms to keep their windows shut when there was too much pollution. Ms. Kolesnikova was encouraged by the success of the school-based campaign to convince decision-makers to improve Bishkeks’ air quality.

MoveGreen created an app that is now available worldwide. It displays real-time data on air quality from the two largest Kyrgyz municipalities, Bishkek, and Osh.

Find out how MoveGreen and Ms. Kolesnikova help improve the air quality of Kyrygystan Here.


Champions of the Earth

  • The United Nations Environment Programmes Champions of the Earth, and the Young Champions of the Earth, recognize individuals, groups, and organizations that have made a positive impact on the environment. The UN’s highest environmental honor, the Champions of the Earth award, is presented annually.
  • The UN General Assembly has designated 2021-2030 as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leader.UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAOIt is a joint effort of the United Nations and partners to prevent, halt and reverse global ecosystem degradation.
  • The Decade is aimed at restoring billions of hectares to their natural habitats. The UN Decade is a global call to action. It brings together scientific research, financial support, and political support to massively scale-up restoration.
  • Visit www.decadeonrestoration.orgLearn more
  • UNEP air pollution dashboardProvides real-time data about air pollution worldwide, its impact on health and national efforts for tackling this problem.

Visit UN NewsFor more information.

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