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China and the United States sign agreement to increase cooperation in climate change
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China and the United States sign agreement to increase cooperation in climate change

A swan floats as the early morning sun shines on the River Clyde and the venue for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland Britain, November 10, 2021. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez


GLASGOW, November 10, 2010 (Reuters) – The United States and China are the two largest emitters worldwide of carbon dioxide. They have reached a deal to intensify cooperation in combating climate change. This includes reducing methane, protecting forests, and phasing-out coal.

John Kerry, the U.S. climate envoy, and Xie Zhenhua, his Chinese counterpart, announced the framework agreement at the U.N. climate conferenceIn Scotland, it was described by both as a way of tipping the summit towards success. read more

Kerry stated that “Together we set forth our support for a success COP26, including some elements which will promote ambition,” Kerry said at a press conference. “Every step is important right now, and there’s a long road ahead of us.

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Xie spoke through an interpreter to tell reporters that the agreement would see China improve its emissions-cutting goals and create a national methane plan. He also stated that both countries were committed to reducing deforestation.

Xie said that both sides will work together and with other parties in order to ensure a successful COP26. He also stated that he hoped to achieve an outcome that was both ambitious and balanced.

A swan floats in the early morning sunlight on the River Clyde, which is the site for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), in Glasgow, Scotland, Britain, November 10, 2021. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez

Antonio Guterres (UN Secretary-General) welcomed the agreement between China, the United States.

Guterres tweeted, “Tackling climate crisis requires international cooperation and solidarity. This is an important step forward in the right direction.”

Britain has organized the COP 26 meeting in Glasgow (Scotland), which aims at securing net zero carbon emission pledges and keeping the Paris Agreement target of a 1.5 degrees CelsiusTemperature rise is within reach to limit the effects of global warming read more

The Chinese President Xi Jinping won’t be present at the United Nations meeting. Instead, he gave a written statement last week to the opening section, where leaders typically give speeches.

He made no further promises, but urged countries to keep their word and “strengthen cooperation and mutual trust”. read more

Xi vowed at the U.N. General Assembly, September, that China would attain carbon neutrality by 2060.

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Reporting by Jake Spring, Valerie Volcovici and William James; Writing and Editing by William James; Editing done by Janet Lawrence, Barbara Lewis, and Lisa Shumaker

Our Standards The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


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