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Climate crisis| Climate crisis
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Climate crisis| Climate crisis

According to a Tory environment group, the vast majority of Conservative MPs support the government’s net zero climate plans, despite vocal opposition from a few backbenchers.

Tuesday’s Net Zero Scrutiny Group (NZSG), a group of 19 Conservatives, was accused of trying to stop the government’s green agenda. They linked it to the cost of living crisis and called for tax cuts and increased fossil fuel production.

However, the Conservative Environment Network (CEN), a group that represents 123 MPs as well as 15 Tory peers insists that the party’s ranks and file remain committed to the government climate agenda.

Jack Richardson from CEN stated that the vast majority (over 90%) of Conservative MPs support net zero. They voted for the UK to achieve net zero by 2050 and signed a manifesto confirming that promise.

The NZSG has been widely covered in media over the past month. They claim that the government’s plans for net zero emissions by 2050 were devised by out-of-touch elites. This would impoverish working people and make them colder and less productive.

Two of the NZSG’s most prominent members have connections to an organisation that is often called climate-sceptic. A leading climate institute also accused the chair of the NZSG of misleading and inaccurately presenting information.

More than half of its members were involved with the European Research Group (ERG), which was instrumental in pushing for the Brexit referendum within the Tory party. Fears of a culture war campaign around net zero has been raised. This could also lead to the end of cross-party consensus about the need for climate action.

The NZSG group of 19 Conservatives says they don’t dispute climate science or the necessity to decarbonise.

Richardson stated that the overwhelming majority (over 80%) of Tory politicians understood the necessity of reducing emissions quickly and the potential benefits.

Net zero is about more than just avoiding the worst effects from climate change. It is also about creating new high-paid skilled jobs across the UK by a new green industrial revolution.

It is essential that we do it fairly, allow the market to guide us, and ensure taxpayers get value from their tax dollars. But, if we do it right, the economic reward will be significant.

A spokesperson for No.10 stated that the government remains fully committed to net zero by 2020.

We can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and eliminate our exposure at volatile global energy markets, which are currently increasing household energy bills.

Kwasi Kwarteng the business secretary, presented new plans to accelerate the rollout of renewable energy projects through auctions for support contracts each year starting in 2023.

The annual auctions will give renewable energy developers more opportunities for development and help reduce the UK’s dependence on volatile fossil fuels. [create]Kwarteng stated that there is more power at home.

Dr Simon Cran McGreehin, head analysis at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit said: More frequent, annually auctions under the net-zero target will provide steady stream of opportunities to British renewables project supporting jobs in levelling down areas.

Experts argue that the government’s current climate plans are insufficient and failing. They point to proposals for increased coal mining, new oilfields in the North Sea, and massive expansions of the roads network.

Rebecca Newsom is the head of politics at Greenpeace. She said that the government should ignore the misinformed backbenchers.

Young and old, Labour and Conservative alike, understand that the climate crisis is a serious threat. They support the idea of fast action if we want the worst. Any government that is committed to protecting people from extreme weather and creating jobs should not waste time on this nonsense.

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