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Climate Crisis Increases Premature Birth Risk
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Climate Crisis Increases Premature Birth Risk

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Researchers discovered that high temperatures and rapid weight gain were linked to 200,000 Israeli births.

A December study showed that climate change is having a serious impact on babies, fetuses and infants.

Six studies from six different scientists found that climate change is increasing the risk of premature births, hospitalizations for young children, and weight gain in infants.

The peer-reviewed medical journal published these studies. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology.

The editors of the publication, Prof. Gregory Wellenius from Boston University School of Public Health and Prof. Amelia Wesselink of the Boston University School of Public Health, stated that preterm births are more likely to occur in extreme weather conditions.

“Our climate has already changed profoundly due to human activity and these changes are broadly harmful to our health, with some communities and individuals affected much more than others,” the co-editors wrote.

Researchers examined one million women in New South Wales’ high-temperature region between 2004 & 2015.

They found that preterm babies were 16 percent more common in areas with high birth rates. heatwaves.

Another study examined 200,000 births and found links between Israel and the United States. High temperatures and “rapid weight gain” during the first year of life.

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Researchers also discovered that the Wildfire intensity and frequencyIn the West United States, fetal gastritisis has seen a dramatic increase in the past 20 years. This rare condition is usually linked to air pollution during pregnancy.

“The evidence is clear: climate hazards, particularly heat and air pollution, do adversely impact a wide range of reproductive, perinatal, and pediatric health outcomes,” said Wellenius and Wesselink.

“Reproductive justice is …the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities.”


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