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Climate group calls on council to take more action on environment – photo 1 of 1
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Climate group calls on council to take more action on environment – photo 1 of 1

The Climate Emergency Coalition of the Boroughs has asked the council to take swift action to combat climate change, in light of the growing threat.

Paul Hinton of the groups said that they are starting to see signs of action, which is encouraging. We have yet to see the urgency this crisis demands.

The UN Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change (IPCC), is the inspiration for the move.

This highlights the dangers of failing to reduce emissions.

The group is concerned that delays in preparing a report about progress in 2021 suggest that commitments made under the Environment and Climate Strategy (agreed on December 2020) have not been fulfilled.

The council’s strategy includes the goal of reducing carbon emissions by 50% by 2025.

Paul said that we are not on the right track and are concerned about this.

The group stated that the progress report of the councils must be at least:

1. Create a detailed plan to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2025. This includes a clear assessment on the potential for decarbonisation of each action.

2. Indicate when the Supplementary Plan Document will be delivered in 2021. Also include a revised Energy Action Plan detailing how lost time can be made up.

3. Provide details of the Transport Action Plan that was promised in the strategy. State when one will be available. Also state how the works can be accelerated or rescheduled.

4. Report on its own reduction in single-use plastic
It has fulfilled its December 2018 commitment and stated how it will accelerate the process and make up any time lost.

Paul said that while it seems like there has been a lot of talk about the council’s climate change and environment work, there is very little evidence to support this.

We aren’t convinced that the council has yet felt an urgency in the face the most terrifying and imminent threats.

This must be done quickly. We hope the next progress report will prove that the strategy has been implemented.

The Royal Borough has responded to criticism by stating that it is ahead many other councils in the country because it adopted its Environment and Climate Strategy for 2020.

Donna Stimson (City Councillor), is a cabinet member for climate action. She outlined some of what the borough has been doing.

She stated that the council has worked closely with local Wild groups (Wild Maidenhead and Wild Cookham) to jointly create a Biodiversity Action plan for the borough. This plan will be presented to cabinet next months.

It also provided environmental education training to children at Braywick Nature Centre. Over the winter, it planted 8,000 trees at Ockwells Park.

We are helping eligible residents make energy efficiency improvements to their homes and were awarded £1.3 million from the Sustainable Warmth scheme for this work in 2022/23, she said.

We also delivered heat reduction plans to 31 council buildings with funding from Low Carbon Skills Fund. We also made energy-efficient lighting upgrades to buildings that we manage and own.

It is also creating an borough-wide Climate Partnership that brings together public and private sector organizations, as well as community groups, to oversee the implementation of the Strategy.

Cllr Stimson expressed hope that the Climate Emergency Coalition would be part of this, and share its expertise in order to better support delivery the outcomes set forth in the strategy, as also supporting the council to fulfill its own actions, and commitments.

The strategy outlines the actions we as a council need to take. However, everyone has a part to play and the public can also help in the collective effort to combat climate change.

She encouraged residents not to use single-use items and to repair and reuse them instead of throwing them away. She also advised them to buy more sustainably.

Cllr Stimson stated that it will take the combined efforts from residents, businesses, industry, and community groups in order to reach our 2050 goal.

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