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Companies are responsible for looking after the environment.
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Companies are responsible for looking after the environment.

Looking after the environment is a companys responsibility, too

Companies establish their presence by offering products and services that are popular with the public. They then begin to engage in programs and projects that help develop and aid communities. These include programs that focus on women empowerment and poverty reduction.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a management concept that allows companies to integrate concerns into their business operations and interact with their stakeholders. These responsibilities can vary from one company to the next, but they tend to be focused on immediate issues.

Many companies use their corporate social arm to implement reforestation projects.

CSRs focus on social issues most often. However, sustainability has been a major concern for major corporations for several years.

San Miguel Corporation, through its CSR arm San Miguel Foundation Inc. has made it their mission to protect the Philippines’ land, water and air. This is done in all of their production plants.

The foundations Task Force Hangin supports the company’s compliance with the clean air act. It determines the best fuel and control technology to fuel-burning machinery. San Miguel Corporation is a well-known company for producing food and beverages that include alcoholic drinks and processed foods.

San Miguel Foundation Inc., on a smaller scale conducts tree planting projects in areas identified as such by SMC production plants. These projects are also planned to coincide with established plant celebrations.

The Ayala Corporation is another company that practices CSR towards the environment. Ayala Foundation Inc., the company’s social arm implemented reforestation projects that improved air quality, promoted diversity, and gave back to the environment. Project Kasibulan saw 297 volunteers from the Ayala Group take part in a reforestation effort that resulted, in part, in 6,929 seedlings being planted in celebration of the company’s anniversary.

To reduce its carbon footprint, the Ayala Group also practices waste management.

The company is also proud of its waste management program that has been a success. The current strategy includes reduction, recycling, and recovery. Ayala Corporation has also developed a waste reduction program for the entire group that can reduce solid waste from reaching landfills and polluting oceans.

Plastic pollution is another major concern in today’s society. Beverage companies are one of the main sources of plastics. Coca-cola Philippines was aware of the negative environmental effects plastics can have on the environment if they aren’t treated properly. The beverage company now aims to collect and recycle every can and bottle they produce. The company also plans to use 100 percent sustainable packaging materials.

Coca-cola Philippines’ operations are dependent on water, so the company implemented a water management program to ensure sustainable water security. This included smart water policies and local water replenishment.

Coca-cola promises to recycle cans and bottles, as well as create sustainable packaging that is 100 percent recyclable.

Every person has a part to play in caring for the environment. Even large companies can help preserve the natural resources they have benefited from through their social arm. These companies and stakeholders must work together to make environmental efforts a reality and propel the Philippines toward a sustainable future.

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