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CounterMEASURE Project of the United Nations Environment Programme launches its India Campaign.
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CounterMEASURE Project of the United Nations Environment Programme launches its India Campaign.

Dec 20, 2021 14:43 IST

Haridwar (Uttarakhand) [India]December 20, 2008 (ANI/BusinessWireIndia): This article highlights the importance of plastic pollution and urges us to make better choices. Video StoryOn Monday, the Ganga River’s banks were captured by people speaking their minds. It featured local community champions as well as residents from all over the Gangetic belt.
In addition to industry leaders from the F&B sector, startup founders also joined the conversation. roundtable eventto discuss the options that are #PlasticSeBehtar
In less than one week, this campaign has reached more than 4,000,000 people. More people are joining in the conversation to share alternative options that are #BetterThanPlastic.
Around 1.15 to 2.41 million tonnes of plastic debris enters the ocean each year from rivers. Asian rivers are responsible 86% of this total. Global input. These rivers run through areas that are home to millions of people. One example is the Ganga River.
To raise awareness about the negative effects of plastic pollution and to encourage people to make better choices than plastic. [plastic se behtar]India: The United Nations Environment Programme CounterMEASURE projectIn collaboration with LetMeBreatheA campaign has been launched to focus on this urgent issue and, very importantly, the solutions: #PlasticSeBehtar
This video story captures people speaking out from the banks on the Ganga. It also features local community leaders. Rishikesh student, a school student, says that no one throws garbage on their mother. It is also our responsibility to keep Ganga clean. Vinod, Varanasi social worker, reiterates this sentiment: “People say that Ganga needs to be cleaned, but I’m saying that Ganga doesn’t need cleaning. We need not spread the message that Ganga should not be polluted in the first place!” You can watch the video. Story now.
While everyone is aware that plastic pollution is a problem, one’s relationship is often contradictory to this. Plastic pollution is an integral part of every person’s life. “It is essential that environmental costs, and prices, are internalized so change becomes a norm instead of a niche,” Divya Datt (UNEP India Programme Management Officer) says. It is imperative that people are aware of better choices and better ways to reduce plastic use.

“Every once in a while, you have to make some difficult decisions. This is the only way to make real change. Gauri Devidayal, co-founder and CEO at Food Matters Group, explains how they have stopped taking orders for take-out coffee from their cafe.
After the launch of this campaign, industry experts from the F&B sector, such as Gauri, and startup founders gathered for a roundtable discussion to discuss what’s #BetterThanPlastic. Anoothi Vishal, author, historian and food columnist, stated that “there is so many scope at B2B & B2C where we can decrease plastic waste created by the industry.” [F&B] industry.” Chef Thomas Zacharias (aka ChefTZac), shares his insight on how we need to shift our mindsets. “Let’s make it trendy to return to the roots.” Let’s make it fashionable to be minimalistic. We need to find ways to make being responsible and conscious more fun, accessible, and accessible. You can watch the video. whole discussion now.
The choices that people make now matter. Sustainability is a choice. It will become a mandate in the next 5-7 year,” Aditya Ruia (Co-Founder of Beco) aptly sums up.
Positive actions can have an impact on individuals, communities, and business owners. This campaign will continue to highlight individuals, communities, and businesses who take similar positive actions as part of the United Nations Environment Programme’s CounterMEASURE Project and LetMeBreathe.
These small wins can build momentum for collective action against plastic pollution and its detrimental impact on rivers, ecosystems and other natural resources. This conversation will help more people do the same.
Use the hashtag #PlasticSeBehtar to share your solution.
BusinessWire India provided this story. ANI will not take responsibility for the content. (ANI/BusinessWire India)

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