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Creating more inclusive, safe environment critical – Marquette Wire
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Creating more inclusive, safe environment critical – Marquette Wire

Marquette University is not the only institution that should strive to create inclusive environments for students. It is something that all members, faculty and staff, must make an effort to achieve.

During the Semester for fall 2021,Marquette has launched diversity training for new students and for faculty and staff. This was in response to a demonstration by Black students.August 2020.

Before Orientation, new undergraduate students and first-year students were required to complete a 1-hour online course called Brave & Bold Dialogues. It was a course on diversity, equity & inclusion that covered the college edition. The university statement the training aimed to explore … real-life scenarios designed to increase awareness and understanding while building foundational knowledge of diversity, equity and inclusion.

The university also launchedFaculty and Staff: Personal skills for a Diverse College is a training program that faculty and staff can take. The training consists three modules, each with quizzes and checks that take three hours to complete. A pilot group of faculty and staff from College of Nursing, College of Communication, University Advancement, Human Resources and University Relations will be attending the training in the fall. CompletedModules are being completed by the remaining faculty and staff this spring.

Implementing these trainings is a good way to start to bring diversity, inclusion and issues to people’s attention. However, these trainings alone are not enough.

Faculty and staff should be more aware.

They have a responsibility as educators and leaders of learning environments to treat students with respect in their classrooms. Some faculty and staff neglect to use inclusive language and acknowledge the significance of cultural months. They also fail to address mental health concerns in students.

Online training can be passively engaging with diversity and inclusion issues. Online training can be a passive engagement with diversity and inclusion issues. Unfortunately, not everyone will take it seriously. Marquette should implement discussion-based training next school year, so that students, faculty, and staff can engage with these topics. Because the online training is inadequate, the university could invite guest speakers to speak with small groups.

We must do more to foster an inclusive campus.

Listening to someone’s story can often have a greater impact than watching a video.

Following the student training, students attended a workshop by Rasheed Alicromwell, founder and president, of the Harbor InstituteA consulting firm that focuses exclusively on diversity education is, The university should think about implementing something similar next school year.

If staff and faculty have no other options, they must take training seriously. Students shouldn’t be offended by the words and actions of faculty or staff.

The university should also consider taking disciplinary action against faculty and staff who fail the training. First-year students must complete Red Watch Band training. Second-year students must complete Bringing in and Bystander training. If they fail to do so, accounts are placed on hold.

Faculty and staff should adhere to the same standards. They must be open to diversity and inclusion.

Faculty and staff need to be open to learning and willing to work harder to make diversity and inclusion training more effective. Even if you make mistakes, it is important to be open to learning, listening, and committed to improvement.

Also, the university should ensure that students of color are included as part of conversations about safety and comfort in the classroom. Marquette will open its doors to students in September 2020. AnnouncementMarquette University Police Department will have regular discussions with the Black Student Council in order to discuss student concerns.

It’s essential that Marquette continue to followthrough on its promises, and work to make campus a more inclusive and safe place.

Marquette Wire editors are decided by executive board members at weekly meetings. The executive opinions editor is responsible for crafting the editorial.The executive board consists primarily of the executive editor of Wire, managing editors of Marquette Tribune and Marquette Journal, as well as general managers of MUTV and MUR. There are ten additional top editors in the organization.

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